New EU rail passenger rights have an impact on compensation

Summer is just around the corner and the school holidays are about to start! For many, it’s time to pack their bags and leave the nest at home. But you don’t necessarily have to get on the plane and fly into the wide world. There are also exciting and relaxed places to be found within Germany. The most environmentally friendly and stress-free travel option for your Germany tour could be the train. But before you get in and start your journey, you should note that there are changes to passenger rights across Europe.

Reading tip: Rail passenger rights, culture pass, construction funding – that will change and become important in June 2023

EU passenger rights valid within Germany

We all know it: Train delays can mess up our travel plans and skyrocket our stress levels. But did you know that thanks to the EU, you have extensive rights when it comes to compensation for train delays? And that not only applies to trips between EU countries, but also to trips within Germany. If the train is delayed by 60 to 119 minutes on a one-way journey, you can request a refund of 25 percent of the fare. And if you’re 120 minutes or more late, you’ll get a 50 percent refund. If you have a round-trip ticket, the refund is calculated based on half the fare. For example: Your ticket costs 200 euros for a round trip. Depending on the length of the delay, the train charges 25 or 50 percent of 100 euros.

New passenger rights: Railway companies are not obliged to pay any compensation in the event of force majeure

However, as of June 7, 2023, there are exceptions in which the railway company does not have to pay compensation. This includes cases of force majeure such as extreme weather conditions, the fault of the passenger or the behavior of third parties, for example if people enter the track system or commit acts of sabotage. However, the railway company can only refer to these exceptions if the event was unavoidable despite all due care. And here’s another important note: strikes by railway staff do not fall under the category of force majeure. This means that you are also entitled to compensation for delays caused by a strike.

A guest has these rights in the case of delays of more than 60 minutes

A train delay of more than 60 minutes can be an annoying affair. To mitigate the inconvenience, the guest may resort to various rights. In the event of a delay, the train company is obliged to provide you with free food and drink, if available or reasonably deliverable – whether on the train or at the station. You also have the option of being rebooked on a later train. From June 7, 2023, you can also be rebooked on trains from other railway companies, and this rebooking is free of charge. Alternatively, you can organize the onward journey yourself and charge the train company for the costs, provided they have agreed to this or you have not been rebooked within 100 minutes of the train’s scheduled departure. In this case you can also continue your journey by bus.

If you are rebooked on a train with a delay of 60 to 119 minutes, you are entitled to 25 percent of the fare as compensation. If the delay is 120 minutes or more, you will even receive 50 percent of the fare as compensation. Please note, however, that from June 7, 2023, the railway company is exempt from any obligation to compensate if the delay is caused by force majeure (such as extreme weather conditions), the fault of the passenger or the behavior of third parties (e.g. people entering the track system). or acts of sabotage) was caused. However, the railway company can only refer to these exceptions if the event was unavoidable despite all due care. Important to know: Strikes by railway staff do not fall under the category of force majeure.

You cannot attend an important appointment due to a train delay

If the delay has made the trip meaningless, for example because you missed an important appointment, you can request a full refund from the railway. If you do not wish to continue your journey due to the delay, you have the right to cancel the train journey and receive a refund for the portion of the journey not travelled. If it is not possible to continue your journey due to the delay, the railway company is obliged to pay for an overnight stay in a hotel and the return journey to the hotel, provided that the railway company!

Passenger rights in the event of a train delay of more than 60 minutes: money back, free rebooking and more

A foreseeable train delay of more than 60 minutes can throw your travel plans upside down. If it is foreseeable that your destination train station will be reached with a delay of more than 60 minutes and the journey has therefore become pointless for you, you have the right to cancel the journey and to reclaim the price of your train ticket. If you want to start your journey despite the delay, you have the option of being rebooked on a later train connection free of charge. From June 7, 2023, the railway company can even rebook you on the train of another railway company. Those who want to organize their onward journey independently are entitled to a cost reimbursement option.

If the delay is 120 minutes or more, you will receive 50 percent of the fare as compensation. In the event of delays due to force majeure and the fault of the passenger or the behavior of third parties, the company does not have to pay!

Entitlement to compensation in the event of train cancellation: rebooking, meals and passenger rights

A train cancellation can seriously affect your travel plans. First of all, the railway company is obliged to offer free food and drinks if they are available on the train or at the station or can be delivered with reasonable effort. The passenger is also entitled to a free rebooking or the independent organization of the onward journey with a reimbursement option.

If your connection is canceled or delayed for more than 60 minutes, you have the right to be taken back to the starting station free of charge and to claim back the full fare if the train journey has become meaningless for you. If you are unable to continue your journey due to the delay, the railway company is obliged to allow you to stay overnight in a hotel and to pay for the return journey to the hotel, provided that this can be organized by the railway company.

Reading tip: Delays and cancellations – Deutsche Bahn had to pay more compensation in 2022 than ever before

Passenger rights with through tickets: advantages and liability

If you have purchased a through ticket for long-distance or local rail passenger services from a rail company, you benefit from certain passenger rights. If both long-distance and local rail passenger services are operated by the same railway company, the company is obliged to offer a through ticket. This through ticket is valid as a single contract of carriage. The advantage of a through ticket is that it is valid for the entire route on longer journeys with several changes. If you had purchased single tickets instead and missed the connection, you would only be able to claim your rights for the segment for which you purchased the single ticket. If you purchase a through ticket directly from a railway company and miss a connection, the company is responsible for refund, rerouting, compensation and assistance as is customary. However, the situation is different if the through ticket was purchased from a ticket seller or tour operator. The ticket seller or tour operator will refund the entire ticket price. and pay 75% of the ticket price as compensation.

Your rights in local transport: Train journeys within Germany

In local transport, i.e. rail journeys within Germany, certain rights apply in addition to the general rail passenger rights of the EU. If you are expected to arrive at your destination station with a delay of 20 minutes, you have the option of using another, higher-quality train that does not require a reservation. However, this does not apply to passengers who have purchased a considerably reduced ticket.

If cheaper public transport is no longer available, you can take a taxi if the scheduled arrival time is between midnight and 5 a.m. and the train does not provide an alternative means of transport to continue your journey. The railway will then reimburse you up to 80 euros for the taxi costs. This regulation also applies if you have booked the last train connection of the day, the train is canceled and you cannot reach your destination before midnight.

Reading tip Passenger rights for the train until June 2023: Train journey – train too late or suitcase gone? Rail customers have these rights

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