New feature for PS4 & PS5? Player makes interesting discovery

In the first half of last year, Sony announced that it had entered into a partnership with Discord. Since then, PlayStation players have been waiting for the communication tool to finally find its way onto the PS4 & PS5. A new hint, which has now been discovered by a player, shows that the start of the new function could already be imminent.

Discord on PlayStation: User finds PSN integration

In May 2021, a Sony blog post caused quite a stir among PlayStation gamers. In the post, Sony announced that the team works with the communication service Discordwhich is especially popular with PC gamers. The program allows its users to create their own servers or to join existing ones and use different text and voice channels there to exchange ideas with one another.

In addition, Discord offers the option of installing various bots on the server, which can be used, for example, to play music from YouTube within a voice chat, to create votes or to roll digital dice. The tool can be used very flexibly and adapted to the needs of the user.

Download Discord via GIGA

Even then, it was clear from the Sony blog post that the PlayStation team was working on connecting Discord to the PlayStation Network and the communication tool To be available in early 2022. There is no official start date for the introduction yet, but if you look at the Reddit post of resourceful user jankesjt, it doesn’t seem to be long.

On the picture he shared, you can see the Discord client’s account link menu, which also has a PlayStation Network button on it.

Normal Discord users will not yet find the corresponding entry in their menu. According to the Reddit user, he only saw the button after he “force-activated” the new function after an update.

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Is Discord already on Xbox?

Until recently, Xbox players were also able to use Discord on their consoles, but had to the detour via the unofficial third-party tool Quarrel to use. However, users report that the app has since disappeared from the Xbox Store. So far, native Discord support is missing on all consoles – and it looks like Sony is ahead of Microsoft on this point.

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