New year: apps to find out if you’ve been drinking too much to get behind the wheel

Several smartphone software can be used to monitor blood alcohol levels in real time.

Alcohol is one of the leading killers on the road», Constantly remind the public authorities. To prevent the evening of December 31, 2021 from turning into a drama, Le Figaro suggests some smartphone applications to track your consumption. Of course, nothing will replace the accuracy of a breathalyzer. And the best solution if you absolutely have to drive is still to opt for non-alcoholic drinks.

MAAF Breathalyzer“, the simplest

The easiest to learn application is provided by MAAF Insurance. Named “Alcooltel MAAFIt can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store for Android devices and from the App Store for Apple devices. From the launch, you have to fill in your user profile: weight, age, height, sex. Determining factors for the calculation of the alcohol level in the blood. To establish this, the tool then asks for information as to the products (alcohol and food) consumed.

The service lets you choose the type of alcohol consumed. Screenshot

Once these elements have been entered, the tool automatically calculates the evolution of the alcohol level in the blood. If the percentage exceeds the limit of 0.5g per liter of blood, the user is warned. As a reminder, this limit drops to 0.2g per liter of blood for holders of a probationary permit.

The tool gives an estimate of the time needed to sober up. Screenshot

Depending on the blood alcohol level, the application calculates the probability of causing an accident. The legal risks incurred such as fines or withdrawals of points are also estimated. In a final menu, the insurer offers “solutionsFor those who can no longer get behind the wheel, like calling a cab or a friend.

SEE ALSO – New Year’s Eve: operation to raise awareness of the dangers of alcohol before Christmas Eve

Alcotrack», The most complete

Yes “MAAF Breathalyzer“Can claim to be a very easy application to learn,”AlcotrackIs much more exhaustive. The first steps are identical, you must enter your age, sex, weight and height. Small detail to take into account, the first questions are displayed in English before switching to French.

The service then asks the user to enter the smallest details of its consumption. He must specify the exact size of the glass, its alcohol content, the time to drink it. He can also indicate what he ate.

The graph makes it possible to follow with precision the evolution of the blood alcohol level. Screenshot

Once all the data has been recorded, a graph is displayed which allows you to follow the evolution of the blood alcohol level and its decrease over time. One problem remains: “when you start drinking, you end up forgetting to note the glasses in the app“, Correctly notes a user on the Google Play Store.

Try Dry», For a month of January without alcohol

For many French people, the month of January comes with good resolutions. Some decide to give up drinking alcohol. This is the principle of “Dry January»Or January without alcohol. To achieve this goal the application “Try Dry», Available in download shops, offers daily support.

After creating an account, the software allows you to set (non) consumption goals which will be rewarded via a badge system. The application will not fail to recall the savings achieved by this restriction. All for a month or a lifetime. And the promises of the application are numerous: weight loss, energy boost, improvement in sports performance …

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