New Year: resolutions that really make a difference

New Year
Resolutions that really make a difference

A good book sometimes works wonders – so do these other nine goals for 2022.

© KatrinKat /

At the turn of the year, grandiose resolutions are made. They are in vain if they are not realistic. Anyone can achieve these goals.

For many people, a new year means a new beginning. And that of course also includes resolutions such as losing weight, eating more healthily and starting an exercise program. Most of the time, however, the resolutions chosen are not sustainable. As a result, many people discard their resolutions after just a few weeks. To break this cycle, it is important to make resolutions that will not only improve health, but will last a lifetime.

1. Me Time

Taking time for yourself is not selfish. In fact, it is essential for optimal health and wellbeing. Me Time doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. It can simply mean taking a bath every week, taking the weekly yoga class, preparing yourself a healthy meal, going for a walk in nature, or getting an extra hour of sleep.

2. Time outdoors

It is scientifically proven that being connected to nature relieves stress. More time outdoors can improve health, lift mood, and even lower blood pressure. Whether it’s a stroll during your lunch break, a hike on the weekend or just enjoying the beauty of your own garden – spending more time outdoors is a sustainable and healthy goal that almost everyone can benefit from, no matter where you live.

3. Make compliments

While it may be more difficult for some than for others, a simple compliment can instantly lighten the recipient’s mood and thus your own. Colleagues, people in the supermarket queue or the family – everyone is happy to receive honest compliments.

4. Make the bed

It only takes a few minutes. It also makes the whole bedroom look tidier and cleaner. And when you go to bed you feel much more comfortable.

5. Do not press “Snooze”

Better to think twice before hitting “Snooze”. A few extra minutes mean more time for the morning routine or for more me time.

6. Read more

A great New Year’s resolution is to read more books. A great way to commit yourself is to join a book club. This is a chance to discover new books as well as meet new people. And the average screen time on the phone is sure to decrease.

7. Drink more water

Another year we want to drink more water. However, it is advisable not to set yourself too high goals and to start small first. Perhaps the second cup of coffee will be replaced with a glass or two of water. Next, you can increase your resolution by adding healthy additives such as fresh lemon, lime or cucumber to the water.

8. Learn a new hobby

Everyone needs a little break. A hobby is an excellent way to force the mind to think about things other than the job. How about knitting or sewing? If you like being in the fresh air, you can try your hand at gardening. Our tip: Whatever you choose, starting a new activity should always be fun.

9. More steps

Every year we set ourselves the goal of being more active in general. However, it doesn’t have to be a marathon. You can park in the supermarket at the far end of the parking lot to take more steps. Or you take the stairs instead of the elevator.

10. Be presenter

Spending less time on the phone, pausing to take in your surroundings and listening carefully to others are easy ways to be more present. New Year’s resolution to be more mindful can help you feel happier in everyday life.


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