News in the video: Pretend orgasm – every third man shows us something – video

I beg your pardon? Men pretend orgasms?

Yes, they actually do. And not exactly a few of them.

Says who?

Says a survey of the dating app "Jaumo". It has relentlessly asked almost 245,000 users from all over the world – including the orgasms that have been played. And lo and behold: Depending on the country, an average of around 32 percent of the men stated that they had fooled their partner …

No way! The number is far too high!

… and around 40 percent of women that they had a fake orgasm for their men.

No way! The number is far too low!

True, it feels like the 40 percent women fakers are set almost too low. At least other studies assume much higher numbers, up to statistical proof that almost every single woman has faked an orgasm in her life.

That sounds … more realistic.

Maybe. But conversely, one could almost assume that the number of unreported cases for men may also be much, much higher than the 32 percent from this survey.

But … But … So … how do men want that faking? They can't hide what is happening or not.

No? Can not you? Do you check with medical thoroughness every time whether everything is really relaxed and shed?

No of course not.

And that's exactly why men really don't have a harder time there than women. At some point they shout "oh … oh … OOoooodankewarschuten good night" and roll over to the side. The perfect crime.

Hmph. It still doesn't really make sense to me. I mean … MEN ??!? Rather, they have the luxury problem that they reach orgasm far too easily and far too quickly.

Yes, you might think – if you fall for this large-scale scam. In individual cases, this is certainly true, applied to the whole gender: unfortunately no, fell for it.

What a sneaky deception!

Hello glass house, may I introduce you to these stones?

But why? Why do men do this? Doesn't that make sense at all?

Men do this for a variety of reasons. In the video we have put together the most common causes of the deceived male orgasm for you.