News tip Desert Rush FF7 Rebirth: how to get the best score and Tifa’s Dragon Claws?

News tip Desert Rush FF7 Rebirth: how to get the best score and Tifa’s Dragon Claws?

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In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you’ll visit very different locations, like the serene town of Kalm, the fishing village of Under-Junon, and even the seedy districts of Under-Saucer. This is where you can take part in a mini-game called Desert Rush, the top prize of which is a new pair of gloves for Tifa (if you reach 42,000 points). So how do you get the highest score while playing Desert Rush?

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In Final Fantasy VII Rebirthyou can take a trip to Gold Saucer, a grandiose amusement park where many mini-games await you. Unfortunately, your first visit will be short, since you will have to travel to the neighborhood just below the park for the purposes of the narrative. Populated by thugs and nicknamed the Corel Prisonthis place is the total antithesis of Gold Saucer. Its inhabitants seem governed by the law of the strongest, and Under-Saucerthe strongest is obviously Gusa man as flamboyant as he is destabilizing.

You will be forced to do him a favor in exchange for information, and this service will take the form of a chocobo race. But before you can participate, you will need to gather Sylkis vegetables to get your frame back into shape, and that’s where it comes in Desert Rush. This is a mini-game only accessible to Under-Saucerand which is quite similar to Box breaker of Final Fantasy VII Remake. In this game you have to destroy boxes to earn points, all in a limited time. The higher your score, the better the rewards.

Summary of the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth walkthrough

Even if the minimum score of 15,000 points will be enough to obtain the Sylkis vegetable necessary to continue the main quest, it would be stupid to stop there. Indeed, not only achieve 30,000 points will allow you to receive 3000 Gilbut manage to score 42,000 points you will be rewarded with Dragon Claws. This weapon is intended for Tifaand you won’t be able to get it anywhere else. So how do you get the highest score while playing Desert Rush?

The only way to reach 42,000 points, is to destroy almost all of the boxes on the field before the time runs out. We specify “almost all”, because missing a crate here and there will not prevent you from reaching this score. To do this, you must first understand how the mechanical boxes who block your way. To put it simply, you won’t be able to destroy them unless you get rid of them. electrical boxeswhich are blue with yellow lightning on each side, so destroy them as a priority.

On your way you will also encounter some clock boxes which will allow you to add a few seconds to your counter. You won’t be able to get away with it, so destroy as many as possible. To move between levels, you can use the red elevators to go up, and the blue elevators to go down. To activate them, hit them continuously until you reach the next level, and press circle to access it before the elevator goes up or down.

The simplest technique to successfully obtain 42,000 points in time is to increase your ATB gauges by hitting the small crates which yield fewer points, and to use your skills to destroy the 1500 point boxes and the electrical boxes. Mechanical boxes are not very resistant, so favor normal attacks while remaining pressed on square SQUARE when there is only one, and skills like Brave soul when there are several, aim in the middle to reach them all.

And if you ever prefer a visual aid, don’t hesitate to watch the video at the top of this article to see the route to follow and obtain a perfect score!

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