News tip Genshin Impact, the new free promo code shocks players… Limited time, hurry up!

news tip Genshin Impact, the new free promo code shocks players… Limited time, hurry!

A new free promo code is available for Genshin Impact! Do not delay to activate it in the hit free-to-play gacha adventure game, because its duration is probably very limited!

A few hours before the new event, a new promotional code is made available by MiHoYo for Genshin Impact. This is in addition to the “Honourable Riches” event which will make you win a lot of primo-gems… But, because there is a but, this promo code is a little different from the others, and we hope it doesn’t become a habit…

January’s new primo-gems code for Genshin Impact

The code to enter: FANRONGCHANGSHENG

The new code to enter to collect the rewards is the FANRONGCHANGSHENG. In theory, we should explain to you that this code gives you 60 primo-gems, but… that’s not the case. This code will earn you exactly 18,000 Moras, 8 Hero’s Lessons, and 10 Weapon Enhancement Crystals… which is quite disappointing compared to the previous codes which almost systematically allow you to obtain something to progress towards at least one summon on a new banner. Of course, the community, shocked at first, is a little amused, but we still hope that this will not become the norm!

Log into the game, then go to settings (by pressing start/esc/the icon, depending on the platform you are playing on).

Then go to the game Account. You will then arrive on a page with 3 options: Support Center, Promotional code and Privacy Policy. It is obviously the second option that interests us here.

A window will then open asking you to enter a code. Enter code FANRONGCHANGSHENG and validate it by pressing To exchange. The latter will then be validated.

You will then find your reward directly in your in-game mailbox! Enjoy and we hope free primo gems en masse for the next Genshin Impact coupon code !

Through TridashWriting


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