News tip Saving Red Dead Redemption 2: How to save automatically and manually?

News tip Red Dead Redemption 2 backup: How to save automatically and manually?

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At first glance, Red Dead Redemption 2’s save system may seem a little unclear… To help you see things more clearly, we explain how saving different elements works in the Rockstar Games game and how to avoid certain related problems. to this system.

Summary of all our guides and tips for Red Dead Redemption 2

As we said, when we discover Red Dead Redemption 2we can have the feeling of being a little lost, and not only in the face of the extent of its open world. One of the confusions that we may feel comes from the save system which is not completely clear. However, it is an essential component of the adventure because the slightest death can take many minutes of gameplay with it. Therefore, it is important not to take risks and to save your progress as often as possible. And inevitably, if we have difficulty understanding how this system works, we may have difficulty going on an adventure with peace of mind. No more worries, we’ll explain everything to you!

  • So, the first thing to know is that, in Red Dead Redemption 2, manual saves are accessible via the History tab of the pause menu. With this technique in mind, it is strongly recommended to manually save your progress as soon as possible. We’re telling you this because there are many players who have experienced very frustrating moments… Succumbing to your injuries without having saved first means taking the risk of losing your resources and other precious items.
  • As for automatic backup, a simple nap in a hotel or in your tent at camp does the trick. Note, however, that you may respawn in a slightly different location than where you saved. So remember to identify easily recognizable places when you record your progress.

Take your precautions: it costs nothing to back up!

Beyond understanding how the backup system works Red Dead Redemption 2, you must also know the restrictions that apply as well as the precautions to take. The first thing to know is that using cheat codes prevents you from saving your progress. Also, as suggested above, do not hesitate to save when the opportunity arises, even more so if you don’t know where you’re going to set foot. It would be a shame to die and lose your precious loot…

Besides, the camp system lends itself perfectly to preparing for these arduous crossings since setting up camp, unlocked in Chapter 2, allows you to secure your progress and cook delicious meals to go on an adventure with a full stomach. And, otherwise, to load a save, is it also unclear and poorly indicated? Not really ! In the History tabwhich we mentioned to explain how to save, you will surely have noticed that you can also load old progress.

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