News video: Angelina Jolie + Brad Pitt – surprising harmony

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
"The ice is melting"

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: a Hollywood dream couple before they split up


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt waged a tough war of separation – but now their relationship has become surprisingly benevolent.

Hardly any other celebrity break-up has kept the world in suspense as much as the divorce of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. What had looked like a very harmonious Hollywood family for so long suddenly shattered, leaving behind hatred and deep wounds. It is all the more surprising to see how respectful and friendly the two of them have become with each other.

"The last few years have been pretty tough."

As Angelina Jolie has now told the British "Vogue", she even deliberately moved into the neighborhood of her ex-husband. The children go in and out freely in both houses and also regularly stay with their father – a situation that would have been unimaginable during the two's dispute over custody. "I focused on healing our family," Jolie said in an interview. "It's getting better slowly. The ice is melting and the blood is returning to my body."

Sources used: Vogue,
