Nico Rosberg celebrated his debut as a new investor in "Die Höhle der Löwen" – and received a lot of praise on Twitter for it.
Nico Rosberg (35) made his first appearance on Monday evening (August 31st) as a new investor in "Die Höhle der Löwen" (every Monday, 8:15 pm on VOX or via TVNow). How did the new lion in the pack fare? On Twitter, fans of the show write of a "sympathetic" debut.
"From my point of view, a great debut for Nico Rosberg among the 'old hands', er, lions. I'm looking forward to further broadcasts", a viewer tweeted. "Nico Rosberg is more personable than expected," reads another comment. The new one in the pack can evidently stand out especially from a lion: "After five minutes, Nico Rosberg is more interested than Nils Glagau ever was," notes a user on. A further conclusion reads: "Nico Rosberg is good for the 'Cave of Lions'. Right, really good. Empathetic, personable, interested. Frank Thelen is still missing, Glagau can leave for it."
Rosberg looked from the bed
Another thing was well received by Twitter users: "Definitely praise to Nico Rosberg for the exchange with the community during 'DHDL'. Really nice", tweets a fan. The new lion reported from the bed during the broadcast with short clips on his Twitter community. He commented on the unfinished deals, admitted his weaknesses in negotiations or was enthusiastic about the products presented. "Thank you all! It was fun, in front of the TV & also on Twitter. It will continue next week," he promises in a final tweet.
The "old" Leo sends congratulations
Frank Thelen (44) also followed the start of the new season and the appearance of his successor. "Congratulations on the very successful start of the 'DHDL' season, Nico Rosberg and of course to all the other lions! I watched the first episode yesterday with Amiaz Habtu and Nathalie," tweeted the former "DHDL" investor.
Probably the funniest "DHDL" tweet of the evening
Not only the fans of the format or the lions themselves have reported on Twitter. Veronica Ferres (55), wife of investor Carsten Maschmeyer (61), was also apparently interested in the network reactions to the season premiere and scoured Twitter. In the process, she came across a funny meme and reacted to it. "Yes, Veronica, I'm on my way, I'll come as soon as possible, you can put the pasta in now …", wrote the well-known Twitter user salutation for a photo of a "DHDL" moment in which Maschmeyer can be seen with cell phone in hand. To commented Ferres with wink emoji: "Will be done."