Nico tail
Doctors were able to stop the bleeding
Nico Schwanz, here at an event in 2019, is currently in the hospital.
© imago images / Horst Galuschka
The TV actor and singer Nico Schwanz is again in the hospital. But he seems to be getting better.
TV actor, model and singer Nico Schwanz (42, "weightless") had to be admitted to a clinic in Erfurt again due to bleeding after a recent hospital stay. He's now giving an update on Instagram that gives hope.
In one story, Schwanz sends greetings to his fans. "Now back from the hospital," he says. "I'm sorry that is so too." But at the moment his life looks like this. Many others would only share the beautiful sides on the platform, but "it's not all beautiful. That's just real life."
Hemostatic and no surgery
"I'm definitely doing better," explains the 42-year-old. The doctors had "stopped the bleeding" and he was given hemostatic agents throughout. At the moment it does not look like he will have to undergo emergency surgery again. Tail is still cautious: He is happy that the therapy is working, "but I mustn't take my mouth too full. Because I've been doing that the last few days and then exactly the opposite happened."
At Christmas, tail had to undergo an emergency operation – because of an abscess in his throat that was pressing on the windpipe, he said. He was released a little later, but had to go to the clinic again.