Nicolas Cage: the false connections and errors of Volte/Face

Nicholas Cage vs. John Travolta: Michel & Michel revisit the false connections of a cult film from the 90s: “Volte/Face” by John Woo.

It is one of the most striking action films of the 90s. Volte/Face, or the meeting at the top between Nicolas Cage, John Travolta and John Woo around a pitch as improbable as it is brilliant: an agent of the CIA and a dangerous terrorist exchange their faces, their identities and their lives for a memorable confrontation.

Alternately, the two actors portray Sean Archer, a gentle and loving agent determined to put the man who killed his son behind bars, and Castor Troy, a flamboyant criminal without limit determined to burn the world down. All against a backdrop of gunfights, flights of doves and slow motion “à la John Woo”.

At a time when Nicolas Cage is celebrating his career in A Talent in Solid Gold (currently in cinema) and a Volte / Face 2 is in development in Hollywood under the direction of Adam Wingard (director of Godzilla vs Kong and Death Note) , Michel & Michel invite you to rediscover the film in the video above, through the prism of its blunders, filming errors and false connections. And it’s heavy, very very heavy!

Did you know ? Originally, one of the headliners of Flip/Face must have been Johnny Depp. Until he read the script… and realized that the feature had nothing to do with hockey. A misunderstanding that can make you laugh when you know the subject of the film, but which is easily justified: indeed the original title of the film “Face-off” is a hockey term used to indicate the face-off. So that’s what misled the actor. Disappointed, he withdrew from the project.

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