No distance learning – Vienna: already five cases in Omikron school clusters

The Omikron-Cluster in the Viennese Piaristen-Gymnasium in the Josefstadt has grown by another case. So there are now five detected cases, the first has meanwhile also been confirmed by sequencing.

Due to the new suspected case, no further class had to be closed, according to Sonja Vicht from the City of Vienna’s health service. All in all, the students in three grades are in quarantine until December 24th. No distance learning; Schools will continue to operate for the remaining children. The general switch to distance learning announced by the management will not be implemented, according to Education Director Heinrich Himmer. There were a total of 60 suspected Omikron cases in Vienna, 49 of which were active and eleven inactive. The sequencing has already confirmed the suspicion in 34 cases.
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