No extension planned: Lindner wants the end of the tank discount and 9-euro ticket

No extension planned
Lindner wants the end of the tank discount and 9-euro ticket

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner would like to further relieve consumers and, above all, drivers in times of high energy prices, but the current measures should no longer be used for this: the fuel discount and 9-euro ticket should remain limited in time.

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner drew a positive balance after the first few weeks of the tank discount. At the same time, the FDP politician dampened expectations that there could be follow-up rules for tank discounts and 9-euro tickets in September. “In the long term, we cannot use state money to compensate for higher prices for imported oil, the development of the dollar and the shortages in refineries,” said Lindner.

Recently there was a debate about the question of whether the mineral oil trade would pass on the temporary reduction in energy tax on fuels to the end customer. “The price level at the pump has fallen significantly in recent weeks. The development is better than abroad. The relief is noticeable for commuters and drivers,” said the FDP leader.

The temporary tax cut also contributes to the state not becoming a winner from inflation. “We levy energy and value-added tax on fuel. In view of the increased world market price, the state’s income would increase this year. That’s why we reduced the energy tax for three months in order to give motorists back some of what they would otherwise pay more to the state would,” said Lindner. Motorists should not be disproportionately burdened.

He rejected demands that there should be follow-up rules for tank discounts and 9-euro tickets in September. The important effect of the price signal was also canceled with the 9-euro ticket. “Steps towards free public transport are critical because shortages cannot then be controlled via price.” There would be a risk that without prices, capacities would be used unnecessarily and excessively. As a state relief measure in the coming year, Lindner is relying on higher benefits for recipients of basic security and an adjustment of wage and income tax to inflation.

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