No extra pounds: drive away and gain weight? Not with these tips

No extra pounds
Move away and gain weight? Not with these tips

Some people always keep an eye on the scales even when they are on vacation.

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Vacation time is gourmet time! If you are afraid of returning home with too many pounds, you should follow these diet tips.

The vacation time is the best time to really pamper yourself again. Unfortunately, enjoyment and weight gain are often close together. Anyone who wants a bikini figure should therefore be cautious at the buffet. With a few simple tips you can avoid extra pounds.

There is a simple way to make a hearty hit on vacation: focus on foods that are high in mass but relatively low in calorie density. These include, above all, natural foods such as fruits and vegetables. With snacks and dishes that consist of watermelon, carrots, broccoli, cucumber and the like, you can eat as much as you want without worrying about the calorie trap. You can access these foods without worry.

Another method is to eat consciously. The aim here is to find an enjoyable and relaxed approach to eating habits. Because the slower you eat your food, the less and healthier you usually eat. This is because the purely physiological feeling of being full usually only occurs about twenty minutes after eating. The time is there for it on vacation! That means, instead of swallowing everything down quickly, you should just give your body a little more time. Because it will signal when it is supplied with sufficient nutrients anyway.

Eat slowly and wisely

In addition to good eating habits, physical exercise is the most important strategy for protecting yourself against obesity. There are a number of options on vacation – from swimming, surfing or tennis to jogging, running and cycling. Exercise not only increases the direct calorie consumption, but also increases the so-called calorie metabolism. In addition to the brain and liver, muscles consume the most energy. That means, those who have more muscles also consume more calories. You can even lose weight while you sleep, as the muscles burn calories all the time.

Weight gain is often included on an all-inclusive vacation. If you can choose which catering package it should be when booking, you can opt for a slimmed-down variant. If only breakfast is included, you have to get moving for all other meals: preferably on foot! A rented bike is also an alternative. With this trick you eat less, have moved more and maybe tried local delicacies in small restaurants.

Soft drinks hit the scales

With all-inclusive not only meals are free, drinks are also often included. Beware of alcohol and soft drinks! These will also affect the display of the scale. Whatever works and is important: water, especially when it’s hot. A glass of water before eating also fills the stomach a little, which affects the feeling of satiety. It happens earlier.

For reassurance: If you did gain unwanted weight while on vacation, it often levels off again when everyday life returns.
