No mass events: NRW carnival associations cancel parties

No mass events
NRW carnival associations cancel parties

The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia and the carnival clubs agree: In view of the corona situation, indoor celebrations are not possible during the current season. “Safety and health have top priority,” says Prime Minister Wüst.

In view of the critical Corona situation, the North Rhine-Westphalian state government and the carnival organizers have canceled meetings and parties in narrow indoor spaces for the current session. “The state government and the organized carnival agree: safety and health have top priority,” said Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst after a digital exchange with the carnival associations.

Mass events in the coming spring are not responsible even under 2G conditions, so the CDU politician. As examples, he cited carnival balls, party formats and sociable carnival meetings, where distance requirements and the mask requirement are difficult to implement. Therefore, the carnival representatives voluntarily agreed to forego such events.

Especially in times of severe hardship, when “many people don’t have the contacts that we all actually need to live,” it would have been important to celebrate Carnival, said Wüst. “And the function of holding up a mirror to politics, the state and the authorities would be important now,” added the Prime Minister.

In view of the infection, the high level of stress in the clinics and the great uncertainty caused by the Omikron variant, the carnival could not take place as usual. It is not to be expected that the situation will change “fundamentally” by Ash Wednesday. There were no major events in the previous session because of the pandemic.

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