No “one-sided rush forward”: SPD politicians call for initiative for recognition of Palestine

No “one-sided advance”
SPD politicians call for initiative for recognition of Palestine

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Norway, Ireland and Spain announce that they want to recognize Palestine as a state. Israel responds to this with clear words. But the SPD faction in Germany is also making a push in this direction.

There are calls in the SPD for a German push to recognize Palestine as a state. “Peace is only possible when security for Israel and self-determination for the Palestinian people come together,” said foreign policy expert Ralf Stegner to “Stern”. “To achieve this, Germany must actively engage diplomatically – that is more important than unilaterally rushing ahead.”

“Germany should advance the recognition of Palestine as part of a joint European initiative, provided the hostages are released and a ceasefire is agreed,” said SPD member of the Bundestag Isabel Cademartori to “Stern”.

“The recognition of Palestine can be an important first step towards a lasting political solution to the Middle East conflict, the goal of which is the peaceful coexistence of Israel with a Palestinian state that does not threaten Israel’s security.” Cademartori pointed to the growing European momentum on this issue. “In addition to the recognition by Spain, Norway and Ireland, France and Poland have also shown themselves open to recognizing Palestine in the vote at the UN General Assembly.”

Israel was outraged by the EU states’ move. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz recalled Israeli ambassadors from Ireland and Norway. “Ireland and Norway intend today to send a message to the Palestinians and the entire world: terrorism pays,” said Katz in explanation. Katz warned that recognition could harm efforts to rescue Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip.

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