Nordahl Lelandais: the poignant image of Maëlys’ parents and sister gathered at the trial

This Monday, January 31, opens the trial of Nordahl Lelandais, a 39-year-old former dog handler accused of the murder of little Maëlys de Araujo, in 2017. United, the parents and the girl’s sister appeared Monday morning before the Assize Court of Grenoble.

“The time for justice has come”, declared Master Fabian Rajon, lawyer for Maëlys’ mother, on his arrival at the Grenoble Assize Court on Monday, January 31. Four years after the murder of Maëlys de Araujo, which occurred on August 27, 2017 during a wedding reception in Pont-de-Beauvoisin (Isère), her murderer, Nordahl Lelandais, is preparing to face justice. Until February 11, the 39-year-old former dog handler will have to answer for his actions and shed light on the persistent shadows on the night of Maëlys’ disappearance.

In order to witness this great moment of justice, the parents of little Maëlys, Joachim de Araujo and Jennifer Cleyet-Marrel, arrived shortly after 9 a.m. at the Grenoble Assize Court. Along with their eldest, Colleen, 16 years old, they formed a united front in front of the cameras, walking side by side to the courtroom holding portraits of their missing daughter. Recall that after the death of Maëlys, Joachim de Araujo and Jennifer Cleyet-Marrel separated.

Nordahl Lelandais trial: what are the expectations of Maëlys’ parents?

If they still hope for the truth about their daughter’s death, Maëlys’ parents expect nothing more from this trial than to obtain justice for their daughter. “Maëlys’ father does not expect statements from Nordahl Lelandais that would revolutionize the course of things, said Me Laurent Boguet, lawyer for Joaquim de Araujo, on January 31. He resolutely intends to reserve his word for justice to be able to explain what his ordeal was and what just punishment can be administered by the French people. The trial is always a moment of truth. (…) It is for him (Nordahl Lelandais, editor’s note) the last possibility to enroll in a search for responsibility and to assume in their fullness the facts which are reproached to him.” For the murder of little Maëlys, Nordahl Lelandais faces life imprisonment.


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© DR

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Nordahl Lelandais
Nordahl Lelandais

© National Police

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Maelys de Araujo
Maëlys de Araujo disappeared on August 27, 2017 during a wedding reception in Pont-de-Beauvoisin (Isère).

© DR

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Maelys de Araujo
The trial of Nordahl Lelandais, accused of the kidnapping and murder of little Maëlys de Araujo, opens on January 31.

© DR

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Maelys de Araujo
Maëlys de Araujo was 8 years old.

© DR

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Nordahl Lelandais
Nordahl Lelandais will have to answer for his actions.

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Maelys de Araujo
The parents of Maëlys de Araujo hope to obtain justice for their daughter.

© DR

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Maelys de Araujo
Maelys de Araujo


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The trial of Nordahl Lelandais
Maëlys’ family arrived shortly after 9 a.m.


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The trial of Nordahl Lelandais
The parents and the sister of Maëlys made a united front.


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The trial of Nordahl Lelandais
Joachim de Araujo and Jennifer Cleyet-Marrel arrived shortly after 9 a.m. at the Grenoble Assize Court.


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The trial of Nordahl Lelandais
Joachim de Araujo and Jennifer Cleyet-Marrel appeared with their eldest, Colleen, 16, with portraits of Maëlys.


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The trial of Nordahl Lelandais
Maëlys’ mother, Jennifer Cleyet-Marrel, held a portrait of her daughter.


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The trial of Nordahl Lelandais
Joachim de Araujo, Jennifer Cleyet-Marrel and their eldest daughter, Colleen.

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