Nuclear conflict with Iran: New point of contention prevents agreement

No sooner has a point of contention been resolved in the nuclear negotiations than the Iranians raise new concerns. This time it is about an investigation into the origin of uranium particles. But in truth, the Iranians are probably concerned with something else.

Iran’s chief negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani leaves the Palais Coburg in Vienna on the first day of negotiations.

Lisa Leutner / Reuters

Nuclear talks with Iran have been stalled for more than five months over a dispute over the Revolutionary Guard. Since March, the regime in Tehran has been demanding that the United States remove Iran’s elite force from its list of foreign terrorist organizations. Although Donald Trump’s classification as a terrorist organization was largely symbolic, President Joe Biden declined to reverse the move for political reasons. Negotiations on a return to the 2015 nuclear deal, which seemed close to completion in March, have been on hold for months.

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