Olivier Véran justifies the new measures, including wearing a mask outdoors: “What do you say to patients who can no longer be treated?” (VIDEO)

Asked by Léa Salamé on France Inter, this Monday, January 3, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran justified the use of certain new measures, in particular the return to wearing a mask outdoors. For him, there is no inconsistency on the part of the government.

In recent days, the rules included in the fight against Covid-19 have evolved further. The government in particular announced that the mask was again compulsory outdoors, as of last Friday in certain regions. And since Monday, it is now possible for people who have tested positive and benefiting from a complete vaccination schedule (i.e., two doses at least) to isolate themselves only for a period of seven days, against ten days for unvaccinated people. Be careful, however, you must not come out of your isolation if the symptoms or clinical signs of the disease appear. Guest on France Inter this morning, Olivier Véran was questioned about these new measures, which appear somewhat contradictory in the eyes of Léa Salamé. Our colleague asked the Minister of Health in particular on the following point: “How can we understand that the isolation rules are being lightened while the virus is increasing? Isn’t that contradictory?”

Olivier Véran justifies the reduction in isolation time for vaccinees positive for Covid

In practice, Olivier Véran gave him an explanation in these terms: “No, it is never contradictory to preserve the health of our society and the health of the French. One does not go without the other. If you no longer have a functioning society, you no longer have public health. This is a health reason. Imagine that you have, as in some countries, 30% of caregivers who can no longer work. What do you say to the sick who can no longer be treated? Second, in Since Omicron is less dangerous for those who catch it, given the level of immunity we have today, and given its speed of propagation, we are able to simplify these rules. at all a relaxation, it is an adaptation to this new threat “.

The minister says he refers to the scientific community, and recalls that total unanimity is illusory

Regarding the return to wearing a mask in the street, Olivier Véran sweeps away any reproach of inconsistency. It splits for the occasion of a justification reversing the external visions as for the responsibilities of each one: “There is one thing, I don’t know if I understand it but I see it, is that for two years, every time that we take a measurement, or that we do not take it, you have scientists who tell you. say that it should not have been done and scientists who tell us that it should have been done “, he emphasizes with a touch of bitterness. Then add: “I note that, because we demand the wearing of masks for children aged six and over, we are almost accused of inhumanity. And on the other side, we are criticized for not closing schools, as if education was less important for children than not wearing a mask in certain special situations “. A sequence to review in our zapping above.

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