Omicron: the Germans fear “to be more affected than the others”

With the arrival of the new variant of Covid-19, the German authorities recommend the vaccination obligation and a “maximum reduction” of contacts.

Although the number of Covid-19 cases has continued to decline in Germany for two weeks, authorities have decided to tighten health restrictions in the face of the omicron threat, a more aggressive variant that bypasses immune defenses. It’s a “Matter of a few weeks” before this variant sweeps in Germany, recognized this Tuesday evening the new chancellor, Olaf Scholz.

Germany is less well prepared than its neighbors, with a low vaccination rate. “With only 70% of people fully vaccinated [dont 30% avec un rappel], the fight against omicron is a real challenge. We risk being more affected than the others ”, alarmed Lars Klingbeil, the president of the Social Democratic Party (SPD).

The vaccination obligation, announced in early December by Olaf Scholz, therefore seems more urgent than ever. Länder officials on Tuesday called on the head of government to speed up parliamentary procedures so that the text can enter into force as quickly as possible.

Near-containment for the unvaccinated

Germany wants to preserve Christmas Eve. But there will be no New Years parties: no large gatherings, no fireworks, nightclubs closing… From December 28, private meetings with family or friends are limited. to ten people vaccinated or cured (children under 15 are not concerned), sports meetings and other mass events will take place without an audience. Restaurants, shops and schools nevertheless remain open, unlike the Dutch neighbor.

For the unvaccinated, the restrictions will be more drastic. For them, it’s a virtual confinement. In addition to the ban on entering most public spaces (restaurant, cinema, etc.), they will only be able to accommodate one foreign person in the home and two outside. The only way out for more freedom: vaccination.

The Robert-Koch Institute for Public Health Surveillance (RKI) would nevertheless have preferred restrictions from Christmas when the variant threatens at the gates of Germany. Officially, it is already the majority in the Danish neighbor. The RKI, which rated the threat at a level “very high”, recommended “at once” a “Maximum reduction” contacts, that is to say before Christmas.

The government-appointed scientific expert committee has also sounded the alarm: even stepping up the campaign for a third injection will not be enough to stop the omicron wave. “We are convinced that this variant will be in the majority with us towards the end of January, or even in mid-January”, estimated Gernot Marx, president National Union of Resuscitators (Divi), in the daily Rheinische Post. Finally, the German Vaccination Commission (Stiko) estimates that a booster is now necessary after three months. Its experts had so far proposed a recall after six months. For teachers’ federations, an extension of the Christmas holidays or a resumption of distance learning seems essential.

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