On e-commerce sites, do you buy from marketplace sellers?

Marketplaces are omnipresent on e-commerce sites, allowing products to be bought and sold between individuals and sometimes professionals. We want to know if you are used to dealing with these sellers on the different platforms. This is our poll of the week!

Source: Photo from rupixen.com on Unsplash

Marketplaces are an integral part of the history of e-commerce. Since the launch of eBay in 1995 and that of the Amazon Marketplace in 2002, selling and buying products like the best Samsung smartphones on large marketplaces has become a habit for millions of users.

Nowadays, the main online commerce platforms offer a hybrid operation, with each product being able to be purchased from the brand itself or from an individual, new or used. Marketplaces are here to stay and offer an alternative to traditional sellers.

Recently, the Fnac / Darty group wanted to offer a turnkey logistics system for all the sellers of their respective marketplaces, with of course Amazon in their sights.

But usage still needs to follow.

On e-commerce sites, do you buy from marketplace sellers?

We therefore wanted to know if when shopping online, you tend to buy from marketplace sellers or stay loyal to the brand (sold by Fnac, Amazon).

This is the subject of our survey of the week: On e-commerce sites, do you buy from marketplace sellers?


On e-commerce sites, do you buy from marketplace sellers?

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Please feel free to comment on your answer in the comments section of this article. We simply ask that you maintain courteous and caring exchanges. We will incorporate the survey results into this article by the end of the week.

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