On the left, do we need a common list for Europeans? The Mélenchon-Royal initiative divides


While each of the Nupes parties concluded their respective summer universities – in Blois, Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, Strasbourg or even Le Havre – the initiative launched by Ségolène Royal for a common list in the European elections does not unanimity on the left, despite the support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Coup de grace or hope for a revival for the union?

The Nupes in turn launches its political comeback. Already groggy this weekend, environmentalists, socialist communists and rebellious France have gathered, but each on their side.

The old dissensions between the different political formations do not seem to have dissipated. Worse: the internal divisions on the left are only accentuated. In addition to the recent disagreements on the presence of the rapper Médine, the Nupes comes out even more weakened on the merits because of the debate on the European elections.

“It’s all nonsense”

Is there a common list or not? Everyone sticks to their positions and the surprise is Ségolène Royal, who announces that she is going into battle to try to unite the left, does not change anything. Despite the support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the socialists, ecologists and communists do not want to hear anything.

So the rebellious leader calls out to them: “We want to be the masters of the clocks, those who influence events, not those who talk around them. We are content with each of these little labels. All that is absurd”, he said. he made heard during his speech at the LFI summer school.

“We want a victory. That’s what we’re working on: victory! So either there will be a union list or there will be a unitary list. Meditate,” he said. added. Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to blame his partners for disunity. But the rest of the Nupes are not fooled. Behind the scenes, it is he who scuttles the Union by wanting once again to impose the tempo in his own way, answers an environmentalist.

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