On Twitch from the benches of the National Assembly, the deputy put under surveillance

Thibaut Keutchayan

November 21, 2022 at 9:10 a.m.


twitch replay ©Flickr


The expression of democracy can be good, but it is not tolerable in all its forms within the National Assembly.

Regularly offering his subscribers to comment on the sessions in the hemicycle on his Twitch account, this deputy from La France Insoumise (LFI) risks being called to order.

No question of camping on Twitch during parliamentary debates

Ugo Bernalicis is one of those elected officials who communicate (very) regularly on social networks. This deputy from La France Insoumise (LFI), elected in the second district of the North, has in particular taken the habit of bringing live parliamentary debate sessions from his channel… Twitch. And this is clearly not to everyone’s taste, in particular the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet.

In theory, the latter only applies the regulations in force at the National Assembly, where elected officials must not take photos or videos within the hemicycle. Nevertheless, in practice, this is more delicate since Twitch allowing a live broadcast, this does not exactly fall within the framework of the regulations in force at the Palais Bourbon.

Particularly active on Twitter with no less than 18,300 tweets, Ugo Bernalicis again announced on Friday November 18, 2022 offering to follow live, for his 8,400 subscribers, the examination of the orientation and programming bill of the Ministry of Interior (LOPMI). The proposal too much for Yaël Braun-Pivet.

MP placed under surveillance

According France info, the President of the National Assembly would have asked the session presidents to monitor the behavior of Ugo Bernalicis so that he does not share the parliamentary debates live on Twitch. The latter risks in particular a call to order. But, in practice, it seems complicated to sanction the LFI deputy as there are so many breaches of the rules in this area. Indeed, it is not uncommon for an elected official to share a photo taken by him of the hemicycle before a session, for example, when this also constitutes a breach of the rules.

On the other hand, as many deputies also do, it is quite possible to register, comment and carry out various other activities on the sidelines of the debates outside the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon. In the meantime, if you are interested in the subject, you can always follow Ugo Bernalicis’ activity on Twitch, by following the handle “DepuTwitch”.

Source : France info

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