One hundred candles for Admiral De Gaulle

He inherited a great strength of soul. But also an austerity, a keen sense of duty, values ​​and military traditions that have never led him over the decades to glorify his name. Philippe de Gaulle has a sense of history and a sense of humor. After a career devoted to serving France, he has, according to one of his favorite expressions, “ended up dropping the deal”. The General’s son celebrated his 100th birthday on December 28.

“Everyone has been, is or will be a Gaullist,” said Charles de Gaulle. A legacy not so easy to assume for his son, Philippe, the eldest of Elisabeth and Anne. A political and historical reality for the one who turned 100 on December 28, and whose stature and physical resemblance to his father remain troubling. But not only: his natural authority, his allure, his way of expressing himself in a very beautiful language are also striking … What we know less is that this character has a lot of wit and a flawless memory. makes a wonderful storyteller. Life has been rich for those who keep a distance from events and a sense of derision. A name still difficult to bear? In his deep voice, the distinguished centenarian replies: “From now on, it doesn’t matter any more; as the elections progressed, my father’s imprint has faded and no one embodies the General, who has had neither predecessor nor successor. “The admiral was not made a Companion of the Liberation by de Gaulle, little inclined to nepotism, who had nevertheless declared to him:” After all, you are my first Companion, but I cannot award you a decoration of the order that I created. “

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However, his courage would have made him deserve this honor. Born in Paris in 1921, Philippe de Gaulle enlisted at the age of 18 in the Free French Naval Forces in June 1940; participates in the liberation of the territory as commander of a platoon of marines regiment of the 2nd Armored Division under General Leclerc; and in particular at the risk of his life, on August 25, 1944, the order of surrender to the Germans entrenched in the National Assembly. After a very good career, elevated to the rank of admiral in 1980, he will end up Inspector General of the Navy, will then become senator RPR then UMP of Paris from 1986 to 2004. Since then, he wrote his “Memoirs”, which will be republished in January at Bouquins. When, a long time ago, residing in Paris in the heart of the XVIth arrondissement, he boarded the “63” at the avenue Ingres bus stop, just in front of his house, the passengers suddenly had the impression of seeing the General in public transport. An unforgettable memory for the schoolgirl that I was, also living on avenue Ingres.

Now a widower, his days are spent reading, answering mail, watching television – sport, documentaries on nature but also films, the “James Bond” and those with Louis de Funès … -, in listening to classical music, playing bridge. The general officer lived half his career on almost every ocean, often aboard aircraft carriers, and moved nine times before settling in Paris with his wife, Henriette, and their four boys, Charles, Yves, Jean and Pierre. “The first time I saw the youngest, he was already 4 months old!” He speaks with poetry and realism of existence and in particular of women. “The idlers take care of women, when you bring a woman to her room, the next day you realize that you are in hers. In this area, nothing has changed, moreover, without women, the two ends of life would be without help and the environment without pleasure, ”he admits. The admiral has kept his humor intact: in fact, in a letter thanking me for having offered him my last book, “Why them”, he signed Philippe de Gaulle, Admiral 2 S, adding: “100 years at the end of this year (please do not wish anything). ” Here we are ! He will surely forgive this surprise from Paris Match who disobeyed him! How could this event be ignored in France? So: “Happy birthday, admiral. “

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