Onion juice for coughs: our guide

Onion juice for coughs
Here’s how you can make it

© Piotr Wytrazek / Shutterstock

Onion juice for coughs is a natural home remedy with no side effects that you can easily make yourself. Here’s how to do it!

Why is onion juice a good home remedy for coughs?

There are many good reasons why our grandma used onion juice for coughs: It kills germs, has an antimicrobial effect and also calms the bronchi. Onion juice also has anti-inflammatory properties and generally helps relieve dry coughs. The essential oils contained in the onion liquefy the secretion on the mucous membranes and therefore help with coughing up. And if that’s not enough, onions contain healthy flavonoids, vitamin C, trace elements and minerals.

Recipe for onion juice for coughs

You need:


  1. Peel the onion and cut it into very small pieces.
  2. Put a layer of onion pieces in a jar and sprinkle with a layer of sugar. Keep doing this alternately until the glass is full.
  3. Put the jar in a cool place for hours or all night.
  4. After a while, fluid will settle, which is very healthy and can be used as a cough syrup. You can strain the liquid through a tea strainer or coffee filter.
  5. Then you should take the homemade onion juice against coughs on a spoon several times a day.

Important: Don’t leave the juice in a warm place or it will start fermenting. It is best to store it in a sealable container in the refrigerator after straining and use it within the next few days.

Tip: You can use both white and red onions. Red onions secrete juice more quickly and are milder in taste. When it comes to sugar, brown sugar is best: it is healthier than white. Alternatively, you can use 3 tablespoons of honey. Honey has an additional anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Use of onion juice for coughs

Contrary to what you might think, the onion cough juice tastes sweet and syrupy and no longer tastes like raw onion! Therefore it is not a problem to let it work in the mouth for a while – this is where its effect unfolds best. Children and adults can even take one tablespoon of the homemade onion juice for coughs every hour. Small children and babies should only be given one teaspoon instead of a tablespoon.

When should I not take onion juice?

You shouldn’t use onion juice for coughs in these cases:

  • The home remedy must not be taken if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
  • The juice, which is made from 50 grams of onions, can be safely consumed over a longer period of time. However, a higher dose should not be consumed over a period of several months, as the substance diphenylamine could otherwise cause damage to the kidneys.

What side effects are possible?

The onion juice can irritate the nose and eyes and also cause allergic skin reactions. Other side effects can include:

  • Flatulence
  • altered smell of the skin and breath
  • Irritation of the gastrointestinal tract

Other important notes about onion juice

You should also keep these tips in mind if you want to use onion juice against coughs:

  • Onion juice made with honey is only suitable for children from one year!
  • If you have a cough or a cold, you should always drink a lot.
  • If the symptoms do not subside after a week, a visit to a doctor is advisable. If babies cough, you should consult a pediatrician right away!

Looking for other cough remedies? Here we explain which home remedies for coughs can still help. Here we have put together the best home remedies for colds. And here you can find out if you have the flu or a cold!


Bachmann, S. & Längler, A .: Home remedies in modern medicine, Elsevier / Urban and Fischer Verlag, 2005

Jänicke, C. & Grünwald, Dr. J .: Alternative healing, Gräfe and Unzer Verlag, 1st edition, 2006

Hoek, T. & Suda, D .: Safe home remedies for my child, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002


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