Online banking: ING withdraws from France

It will nevertheless retain its corporate and investment banking activities. Societe Generale acts as the favorite contender.

Dutch bank ING on Tuesday announced the withdrawal of its online banking activity in France, where it was one of the oldest in operation, and the elimination of around 460 jobs. “This decision is the conclusion of a strategic review carried out since June 2021“, Explains the establishment in a press release, specifying that it will maintain its corporate and investment banking activities,”with the objectives of consolidating its position in the market and its positioning as a benchmark bank in sustainable finance“.

The end of this activity could lead to the sale of the client portfolio in France, ING confirming the rumors which had been running for several weeks. “As discussions are ongoing, no further information can be given on this subject for the moment.“, Underlined the bank.

Multitude of candidates

According to information published recently in the press, Societe Generale is a favorite in the recovery, while Crédit Mutuel Arkéa and Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, the two enemy brothers of the mutualist group, have also expressed their interest. By redeeming the portfolio, either “around one million customers“, Everyone could accelerate the development of their online banking: Boursorama for Société Générale, Monabanq for Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale and Fortuneo for Arkéa, even if concerning the latter, the establishment would no longer be really in the race, according to a close source. folder.

ING also announced that an agreement with the unions had been signed concerning the accompanying measures for a plan to safeguard employment, which will lead to “around 460 job cuts“. ING online banking has been present in France since 2000, making it one of the pioneers in this sector which has seen the number of players multiply in recent years.

SEE ALSO – Claire Calmejane: “The crisis has developed digital and online banking”

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