Orange Peel – You Can Really Do That Against The Dents


Now honestly: Can you do anything against orange peel? We explain what helps against cellulite and what you can give yourself!

Orange peel is not an isolated case. About 80 percent of all women suffer from cellulite . The connective tissue weakness affecting the buttocks and thighs is not a disease. Orange peel is more of a beauty problem that is due to the perception of many women. Although these are only minor dents on the skin, they often leave a great mark on self-confidence. Too bad, because on the one hand the connective tissue provides us with priceless services, on the other hand we do not want our body to become a hilly landscape. But how does cellulite develop and what helps? clarifies.

Orange peel: causes

It’s kind of common: orange peel affects only women. Because men do not get them. But why and what are the causes of cellulite?

  • The main cause of orange peel is the special structure of the connective tissue. The two outer layers of skin are thinner in women than in men , so they are easier to stretch during pregnancy. Of course we are grateful for that, of course.
  • At the same time, the subcutaneous fat layer is thicker in women’s thighs, buttocks and abdomen than in men – and even the individual fat cells are larger. If too many fat cells are stored, the cells enlarge, push themselves up through the connective tissue and become visible as dents.
  • The layer of fat is traversed by connective tissue strands that connect skin and muscle. In men, they are arranged like a net that runs parallel to the skin surface. In women, they are in the form of columns that run perpendicular to the skin towards the interior of the body. The predisposition for cellulite is therefore anatomically predetermined . That’s why the orange peel does not stop at thin women.
  • Another cause of cellulite is the female hormones . Under the influence of estrogen, the body stores water, so cellulite occurs more or less in many women depending on the cycle.
  • Also stress promotes the formation of cellulite.
  • And who smokes , it also promotes orange peel.

Orange peel – what helps?

If the dents are primarily attributable to enlarged fat cells and sagging skin, at least an improvement in the skin structure can be achieved with changes in diet, massages, sports and care . When cellulite is mainly caused by the connective tissue strands, the chances of really making a difference are reduced. Cellulite can not be completely eliminated anyway. But we know a few tricks to strengthen your connective tissue .

Generally, there are some rules that you can use to tighten connective tissue and reduce orange peel.

The best strategies in the fight against the orange peel:

  • Healthy eating. Yes, it can really affect our tie fabric. Prima helps, for example, pineapple water against cellulite, apples, apricots, raspberries, cherries, peas, broccoli – fruits and vegetables are good for the skin. Particularly helpful are vitamin C-containing foods such as kiwis, oranges or peppers. But also herbs, salads, sprouts, germs and nuts. We have listed the foods that you should delete from your diet: 7 foods that promote cellulite . These include, of course, alcohol, animal protein, white flour, sugar – and nicotine anyway.
  • Of course it is also important to drink enough : mineral water, unsweetened teas, whey and buttermilk.
  • Sport is important! And proven to be the remedy that works best against cellulite! We’ll tell you which sport you can fight cellulite and which exercises help.
  • Massage helps! Do you know the Tunia massage? We reveal how the cellulite massage works. Our tip: Just after the shower as a daily ritual introduce: a brush massage . The soft bristles stimulate blood circulation on the thighs, buttocks, upper arms and abdomen. In circular motions about 5 minutes.
  • If you want to be active in the shower, grab a loofah glove and carefully rub your skin with it. Who then wants to massage in an anti-cellulite oil, does not dry completely – so the oil can better move into the skin.
  • Lipolysis – does it create a lasting effect? By means of electrical stimulation by low-current, cold, injection of fat-dissolving substances or laser irradiation, fat cells are targeted to be dissolved. Laser therapy showed a reduction in the depth of the teeth in several studies, which was measurable even two years later. 
  • scrub refines the skin and removes dead skin cells. Afterwards, the legs can be chubby with a little more self-tanning . Although this does not help against the cellulite itself, it leaves you less noticeable.

Orange peel – this is how anti-cellulite products work

The short answer: conditional. Those who cream should always do this in combination with a massage . It is one of the proven methods because it promotes blood circulation and activates lymphatic flow.

The use of all other anti-cellulite substances, such as sea ​​fennel, ginko, seagrass, ivy, meadowfoam, grape seed oil, evening primrose oil or yam root , is just as unproven as the numerous treatments in cosmetic institutes or medical practices – which, however, does not mean that creams and these Methods generally do not help. Cosmetic companies have done many of their own studies, and women eventually buy cellulite creams because they are convinced of their benefits.

Caffeine, for example, actually lets fat melt and softens the dings. In addition, it has been proven that pure vitamin A  (retinol) increases collagen formation, which strengthens the connective tissue.