Organizer satisfied – Electric Love: “We achieved what we wanted”

Electric Love 2021 is struck. A total of around 28,000 visitors stormed the Salzburgring over three days, enjoying the miniaturized edition of Austria’s largest electronic music event. Time for organizer Manuel Reifenauer to draw conclusions.

“We achieved what we wanted with it,” summed up boss Manuel Reifenauer. Even before the start of the event, a mid six-figure amount was planned as a loss (which the organizer’s company would bear in full), and they switched from 3G to 2G. The control of the test evidence worked very smoothly. “The young people were well prepared and understood the effort involved,” said Reifenauer, praising the audience. The police also drew a positive balance, in addition to violations of the narcotics law, there were only a few reports. The plans for next year are almost complete, and nothing stands in the way of a return to normal festival conditions for 2022.

S. Steinbichler / P. Church day