Orthodontic aligners: when to wear transparent aligners and how much does it cost? : Current Woman Le MAG

According to a study carried out jointly by the French Federation of Orthodontics (FFO) and the Ipsos institute, only 43% of French people consider that orthodontic treatments are primarily used to correct or prevent a health problem. However, medical alignment devices, such as braces and orthodontic aligners, contribute, first and foremost, to having a good dental occlusion. Normal positioning of the teeth makes it possible to improve the essential functions of breathing, chewing, swallowing and even speaking. Dr David Couchat, qualified specialist in orthodontics, president of the FFO Communication Commission, and teaching assistant at Paris hospitals, explains to us the role, operation and cost of the alignment aligner device.

1. What is an orthodontic aligner?

Dr. David Couchat explains that “orthodontic aligner is a somewhat misused term to designate a therapeutic and orthodontic tool used to straighten teeth”. If we easily think of the aesthetic benefit of this device, the professional recalls that its main goal is “toe straighten the teeth, in order to restore a good occlusion (good closure of the teeth)”.

He adds that aligner treatment performs “the same work as the braces which are glued to the teeth, whether vestibular (on the side of the lips) or in lingual (on the tongue side). The only difference between these two medical devices is that the alignment tray is a removable device”.

2. What problems can treatment with aligners resolve?

The qualified orthodontic specialist explains that “Alignment gutters are aimed at all orthodontic problems. There is, however, a restriction regarding some extreme cases, such as having teeth that are too short, or even a significant skeletal discrepancy between the upper and lower jaws.”.

Dr. David Couchat adds that this treatment is aimed at people who are motivated by the idea of ​​following it, and who feel capable of wearing these trays on a daily basis. This is why the professional does not recommend this device to people who will have difficulty putting it in place, such as people with dyspraxia.

It is therefore up to the orthodontist to assess whether their patient is eligible for this tool or not, based on the severity of their malocclusion (poor alignment of the teeth). Indeed, “this treatment can also be combined with surgery or aids, such as micro-screws and elastics”, says the orthodontic expert.

3. How to install this teeth alignment device?

Dr. David Couchat explains that, as with any orthodontic treatment, the patient must first consult an orthodontic professional in person (and not online), so that they can carry out a clinical examination. The president of communications of the FFO insists on the fact that this examination is essential: “when we touch the teeth, we interact on the four functions of phonation, swallowing, breathing and chewing”.

To carry out his analysis, the specialist then takes an x-ray to check that there are no specific problems, such as a problem with the gums or jaw bone, a cyst, crowns , implants, impacted teeth, or even cavities.

Next, the healthcare professional takes a digital impression of the teeth. To do this, he uses a camera that he inserts into the mouth to obtain a 3D representation of the teeth. This visualization facilitates:

– making the correct diagnosis;

– establishing a treatment plan;

– general monitoring of the patient.

This scan is then sent to a company that manufactures aligners. The healthcare professional then receives a Clincheck, i.e. a 3D simulation of the current positioning of the patient’s teeth, and all the steps necessary to obtain the final result. This work is managed by artificial intelligence and a specialized technician.

For his part, the orthodontist verifies that this proposal is applicable. He reworks it to adapt it to his patient. “This device is individualized, because each patient is unique. This is why it is impossible to use this treatment in the same way for everyone.”, specifies Dr David Couchat.

Once the treatment plan is validated by the orthodontist, a 3D model is established. The company then manufactures aligners and delivers them to the practitioner.

The specialist must finally place attachments on the patient’s teeth. These are resin pads, which serve as a grip for the aligners. “The aligner clips onto the tooth. In fact, the attachment allows both to hold the alignment device and to help it move. This is why this device must be installed by an orthodontist.”.

4. How long does treatment take with this device?

The duration of treatment varies, depending on the severity of the patient’s malocclusion. “If it is not very important, and there is no discrepancy between the bony bases of the upper and lower jaws, this treatment will be faster than in the case where there is a discrepancy.”, explains Dr. David Couchat. He adds that depending on the issues, the duration can range from a few months to several years.

5. How many alignment trays are used on average during a treatment?

As with the duration of treatment, this number is variable. It differs both according to:

– the age of the patient;

– the degree of seriousness of the malpositions of his teeth;

– the hardness of the plastic of the gutter.

Dr. Couchat specifies that on average, “the gutters are changed every week. For children, this device can be changed every 5 days. And for some people, this delay can be up to 10 days”.

6. How much do these gutters cost?

The cost of this aligner treatment is correlated to the duration and difficulty of the treatment. It can range from €2,000 to €3,000, and up to €7,000 or €8,000 for the most complicated cases. “These are high precision devices. In fact, these gutters are adjusted to within 50 microns,” indicates Dr David Couchat.

The professional recalls that each patient is unique. Treatment is therefore adjusted on a case-by-case basis. Only the practitioner who follows the patient will be able to provide him with personalized information on the cost and duration of his treatment.

7. Why should you pay attention to orthodontic aligners available online?

Dr David Couchat insists that you should absolutely avoid buying this type of device on the web. In fact, the patient does not benefit from any medical follow-up. In addition, the attachments are not placed on the tooth.

In fact, these devices potentially risk having an impact on the patient’s general health, and generating postural problems, headaches, sleep disorders or OR disorders, not to mention gingival problems or undetected pathologies such as cavities or dental cysts.

Thank you to Dr David Couchat, qualified specialist in orthodontics, president of the Communication Commission of the FFO (French Federation of Orthodontics), and teaching assistant at Paris hospitals, for answering our questions.

Additional source:

Press release from the FFO, The French and dental alignment, a young generation seduced by aligners and “consumers” of information on the Internet.

Read also :

⋙ Orthodontics: professionals warn about dental alignment trays without monitoring

⋙ Teeth whitening: why you shouldn’t overuse it

⋙ Gingivitis, canker sores, cavities, periodontitis: solutions to protect your teeth and gums naturally

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