Oscars: disappointment for “Titane”, the French film will not be in contention

CINEMA – The Academy of Oscars has revealed a first selection of foreign titles and films awarded at the ceremony to be held on March 27. Chosen to represent France, the film “Titane”, by Julia Ducournau, was not selected.

No statuette for France this year. The Academy of Oscars has indeed unveiled the list of 15 films still in the running for the prize for best foreign film, chosen from 92 in total. To represent France, “Titanium” by Julia Ducournau, who won the Palme at the Cannes Film Festival last July, had been chosen.

But this genre film, violent and mixing woman / machine hybridization, sexuality with cars and the quest for fatherhood, was perhaps too daring for the Oscar voters, who did not select it. France however holds the record for the highest number of nominations in this category.

Italy, Japan and Iran, selected

The preselection, on the other hand, includes the Italian Paolo Sorrentino with “God’s hand” and the Japanese Ryusuke Hamaguchi for “Drive My Car”, adapted from a short story by Haruki Murakami. Iran shines once again with its filmmaker Asghar Farhadi, already winner of the Foreign Film Oscar for “A separation” and “The customer” and who comes back this time with “A hero”.

More unexpectedly, the small Himalayan nation of Bhutan could land the first nomination in its history with “The School at the end of the world”. This comedy features a young schoolteacher sent to the most remote part of the country.

Winner last year with “Drunk”, Denmark is making a strong comeback this year with “Flee”, which traces the perilous journey of a young homosexual Afghan seeking asylum in Europe. This animated film is also shortlisted for the best documentary award, also published on Tuesday.

Read also

  • How Agathe Rousselle became the heroine of “Titane”, the Palme d’Or of Julia Ducournau
  • Cruel, sensitive and bewitching: what if we got on board “Drive my car”?

A first selection of 15 titles in contention for the Oscar for best song has also been revealed. Beyoncé’s ballad “Be Alive”, written for the film “The Williams Method” with Will Smith, the soundtrack of the film “Guns Go Bang” by Kid Cudi and Jay-Z who also produced the film “The Harder They Fall” from which the music or the song is taken “Just Look Up” of Ariana Grande in the satirical film “Don’t Look Up: Cosmic Denial”, have been selected.

Also in this list is Billie Eilish with “No Time to Die” for the latest James Bond. The Academy should further reduce this list of 15 titles to 5 for the award ceremony, scheduled for March 27.

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