our secret for light legs this summer

Water retention is dreadful for the figure, especially as summer approaches. It can lead to swelling and weight gain, even without dietary differences! The Panda Tea brand has thought of all these discomforts by creating detox infusions to improve the daily lives of people suffering from water retention.

Have you ever had heavy legs? Inflated? The feeling of being tight in your clothes? If the answer is yes, it is quite possible that you are retaining water. Stay with us to discover the special “light legs” routine and natural solutions to say goodbye to water retention.

Summer is coming: heavy leg alert!

Help… Summer is coming and with it, the return of water retention! You certainly know that feeling, don’t you? Your legs feel swollen and numb. But what causes this phenomenon? In reality, heavy legs are the result of poor blood circulation or venous insufficiency. Consequently, the blood struggles to rise from the feet to the heart and remains “blocked” in the legs, causing this painful sensation.

Did you know ? According to an Ifop study, more than 17 million French people suffer from venous insufficiency: this represents 1 in 3 people! Impressive, isn’t it?

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What are the causes of this burden?

  • Hormones : Hormonal fluctuations can upset your body’s water balance, leading to water buildup and a bloated feeling.
  • Physical inactivity : Lack of physical activity can affect blood circulation, making it more difficult to eliminate excess water.
  • A diet that is too salty : An unbalanced diet, high in salt and processed foods, can also contribute to water retention.
  • summer : high temperatures can cause vasodilation, which can aggravate edema and feelings of heaviness.

Our favorite natural solutions

Going natural is a caring way to take care of yourself, without the potential complications associated with medication. Here are the solutions that will help you regain light legs:

Stay hydrated!
Drinking is very important to promote the elimination of toxins. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. If you have trouble drinking water, try finding an alternative that helps you drink more, such as Panda Tea detox infusions. Gourmet and natural, they are designed to boost the drainage of our body!

PS: The Morning Boost Detox tea, diuretic and fat-burning, and the Night Cleanse infusion, digestive and anti-bloating, are the bestsellers of the Panda Tea brand. The 28-day detox cure combining the two is a safe bet if you don’t know which way to turn!

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Turn to diuretic plants
Nature wishes us well and diuretic plants are on our side to fight against water retention. Here are some of the flagship anti-water retention plants:

  • nettlerecognized for its purifying and diuretic properties, stimulates the elimination of excess water.
  • hibiscus promotes blood circulation.
  • blackberry leaves are known for their circulatory benefits and their soothing action on swelling sensations.
  • Dandelion boosts the health of the kidneys and liver, two essential organs for the elimination of toxins.

Panda Tea’s Libertea infusion: the secret to light legs
I’Libertea infusion from Panda Tea is a real cocktail of diuretic plants designed to say goodbye to heavy legs. Nettle, hibiscus, blackberry leaves, apple, yarrow, turmeric, chicory root and dandelion work in synergy to stimulate blood circulation and dislodge excess water.

The +: This special infusion for light legs with an innovative formula has been tested and validated by many women, the results speak for themselves: more than 292 reviews for an average score of 4.88/5!

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Special “light legs” routine

In addition to good hydration, a few simple habits to put in place can make the difference, here are our best tips:

  • Exercise, ally of your light legs: Playing sports, moving or simply walking, stimulates blood circulation and promotes the elimination of superfluous liquids.
  • Comfort above all : Bet on loose and comfortable clothes that do not compress your legs. Clothes that are too tight tend to promote water retention, exit slim jeans!
  • Elevate your legs : Take advantage of a moment of rest to elevate your legs to facilitate venous return and improve blood circulation.
  • Long live the cold! : Apply cold compresses, run a jet of cold water over your legs or walk by the water’s edge to relieve discomfort and facilitate tissue decongestion. Happiness after a day’s work, right?
  • Treat yourself lymphatic drainage : Draining massages are beneficial for stimulating lymphatic circulation and relieving feelings of heaviness in the legs.
  • Think about water-rich foods : Adopt and abuse diuretic foods, rich in water and antioxidants, such as cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, melon, berries and citrus fruits. The season is favorable, take advantage of it to make a cure!

You are now aware of all our little secrets to say goodbye to water retention and heavy legs!

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