Oven tray: how to clean it effectively? : Current Woman Le MAG

The oven tray is very practical when cooking. It can collect sauces and juices that fall, but also be a good support for cooking pizzas, for example. As a result, it gets dirty quickly and can seem difficult to clean. Of course, without the right products, you’ll have to scrub for a while, but with good tips, it becomes child’s play. The key is also to clean it very regularly, so dirt does not become encrusted.

How to effectively wash the oven tray with black soap?

Black soap can be used to clean all parts of the oven, the plate, but also the grill. To do this, put some on a damp sponge and rub directly on the surface. Leave the soap on for about a quarter of an hour then rinse with hot water. If you use the solid format, pass it over the areas to be cleaned and leave for half an hour before rubbing.

Please note of course that this degreasing method is effective if you clean your plate before it is full of burnt and encrusted food.

How to use white vinegar to clean your oven tray?

White vinegar has become an essential household product and, here again, it will prove very effective in cases of stubborn oily areas. Mix it in equal parts with coarse salt (25% of each) for greater effectiveness. Add twice as much water (50% of the final mixture), put some on a sponge and scrub the plate. This time again, leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing.

How to use baking soda to clean your oven plate?

Another essential, baking soda (which has the advantage of being abrasive and anti-odor) simply has to be sprinkled on the plate to be cleaned. Then simply pass a damp sponge over it and rub. Rinse and that’s it. If there are large encrustations, apply a mixture containing three times more bicarbonate than water and leave it to act overnight. The next day, rinse with warm water.

Note that you can combine vinegar and baking soda in equal parts. Rub then leave for a quarter of an hour before rinsing.

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