Over twelve million downloads: Corona app sends warnings for the first time

The Corona warning app begins to prove its usefulness: for the first time, around 500 contact checks are available for comparison. This means that a relevant number of users have reported infections via the app, and contact persons receive warnings on their smartphones.

The RKI's Corona warning app has already been downloaded 12.2 million times (as of June 23). This means that it has already reached a level where it can have a noticeable effect, according to a study by the University of Oxford. The researchers seem to be spot on with their assessment. As soon as this mark is reached, the servers have around 500 keys ready for comparison on the smartphone for the first time. The first users should already have received push messages that they may have been infected.

Fake keys serve data protection

The 503 keys that the Telekom servers provide do not represent the exact number of infections reported via the app. In order to prevent the infected from being tracked in addition to the IDs generated by the smartphone, the real messages would be mixed with incorrect ones, explains App co-developer Painted Janduda on twitter.

On the iPhone, you can easily access the keys provided daily in the settings.

(Photo: kwe)

The keys provided daily can be easily determined on the iPhone, for example. To do this, go to the Settings under privacy to Health app and tap there COVID-19 contact protocol. Then you tap on Contact checks and then finds the information under the date of the last comparison.

If you see the number 0 in the number of matched keys at this point, it means that the smartphone has not had sufficient contact and proximity to the cell phone of a user who reported an infection within the past 14 days.

Risk factor depends on various factors

If you receive a warning, a risk factor is specified, which the app determines on the smartphone using the available information and specifications. According to Malte Janduda, the value depends, among other things, on how long ago the contact was made, since it is assumed that people are infectious to different degrees depending on the past time after an infection. The duration of the contact and the proximity also play a role in determining the risk factor, which is determined by the strength of the Bluetooth signal.

Users who receive a warning also get suggestions on how to behave. In principle, the RKI recommends that further steps – for example tests – be coordinated with the family doctor, the on-call health service or the local health department. Authorities usually also provide general hotlines on their websites that can be used.

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