Parent video: "Children, mom and dad have sex now!"

Sex in spite of children
"Children, mom and dad are sleeping together now"

Oh dear – WHAT did mom just say ???


Sex is difficult for many parents – especially under Corona conditions, where they cannot have five minutes to themselves. Desperate parents from Pennsylvania were looking to escape to the front: They give their children a clear message as to why they shouldn't run into the bedroom now.

Sex? For many parents, this is a distant memory, especially when they have several children. Either they simply have no time for their partner, because the children simply demand attention all day long – or they fall into bed in the evening so overtired that "sleeping together" is only worth striving for in the very literal interpretation. But these parents don't want to completely forego any passion just because of the children: They prefer to give their offspring a clear message and then retreat into the bedroom.

"Please leave us alone, we're having sex"

That's pretty straightforward – and in this form would probably be taboo for many families. For these parents, however, the blunt warning has paid off: They are happy that they can finally spend time together regularly as a couple again. And what do your children say about it? You can see that in the video!

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