Parenting tip: 3 parenting measures that turn children into tyrants

Parenting tip
3 parenting measures that turn children into bullies

Parenting tip: “You can tell me” – the transition from a stubborn child to a little dictator is smooth.

Children sometimes act like bad-tempered commanders – see in the video why well-intentioned parental mistakes are often to blame for this behavior.

We all know those children we come across at school, daycare or playground: bossy, whiny and absolutely convinced that the world (and their parents) must immediately fulfill their every wish. “Get off the swing – it’s my turn!” “I want ice cream – now!” “This is my toy now!”. Children run away – and parents are frightened when they have to watch the spectacle from a safe distance.

Parenting tip: The bitter truth about our children

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise when we realize at some point: Oops, our own child is also such an unbearable monster sometimes. Because of course part of child development is testing limits and exploring how bold you can be towards adults and other children. The crucial difference is that most children register these boundaries quite quickly and then quickly return to dealing with their environment normally. Not the classic tyrant child who only really blossoms in his role as a little dictator.

Tyrannical child: These are the causes

Now of course it’s easy to point the finger at the IMPOSSIBLE child. But what, pray tell, can a child do about the way they are? No five-year-old starts the day with the intention of being as unpleasant as possible – social behavior is of course learned and developed as a result of the environment. But it’s just as pointless to point the finger at the IMPOSSIBLE parents who do everything wrong and spoil their child – on the contrary, they often put in a lot of effort and do an exemplary job for their offspring. And that’s exactly where the common trap that can lead to asshole children lurks: commitment and good intentions that lead to the exact opposite. And let’s not kid ourselves: this happens to all parents sooner or later.

What should we keep an eye on?

Well-intentioned support for children can quickly lead to imperious egomaniacs – if parents lose sight of important points. In the video you can see what the most common causes are!


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