Parents tell of their sleep deprivation highlights

fatigue disaster
tired? Parents tell of their sleep deprivation highlights

At five in the morning, many children are already full of energy – so we parents can sometimes lack sleep.

© natalialeb / Adobe Stock

In the morning, the chilled orange juice is “blown cold” or salt is poured into the coffee? Do not worry! You’re not alone with small fatigue mistakes like these.

Everyday family life can be hectic: long days, short nights – and with the children there is often no need for an alarm clock. Jumping into the parents’ bedroom at five in the morning is usually a matter of course for the little energy bolts. Then it’s time to get up, dear mum, dear dad, dear parent!

The head chaos gone wild

The beautiful, albeit strenuous moments that we experience with our little ones, mostly during the day or at night, can sap our abilities. Even with the smallest things, our brain suddenly capitulates and this leads to us wearing our t-shirts inside out all day or emptying the laundry into the toilet instead of into the washing machine. But most of the time we end up laughing or shaking our heads at the strange moments of tiredness.

Our ELTERN colleagues were curious and wanted from the Facebook users and families in Urbia Network know what kind of tired mishaps have already happened to them. Here are our top 10 fatigue fails:

The 10 best moments when parents were just too tired

Find and use breaks

Sometimes even short rest periods are enough to recharge our energy reserves. Here are a few ideas to help you take a break or a little nap:

  • “Look, I look like you!”
    Most children love going through their parents’ clothes, dressing like them and acting out the roles. Then your closet is like a big disguise box for her. Another highlight: If you can put a box of costume jewelry next to it, the:die will also let the children’s imagination skyrocket.
  • Once upon a time, a long time ago
    For a short break it is helpful a few audiobook reserves in reserve to have – and then it’s time to put on the headphones and immerse yourself in the story.
  • The children’s cave as a parent-free zone
    Oh how exciting it can be for the little ones when they have their very own kingdom. Not only in the form of their bedroom, but in the form of a castle ceiling or children’s cave. It’s often said: parents have to stay outside or they can only enter the work of art with special permission from:der Kinderkönig:in.

And if all of that doesn’t help, we shouldn’t forget our loved ones, who are usually happy to take a few hours off our shoulders at such moments: there are often people in our circle of friends and family who are excellent babysitters – and who have exciting ideas for have our children in stock. Because a break for our mind and body is sometimes simply necessary, depending on how tired we are.


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