Paris: a space of 3,000 m2 dedicated to care will open in the basement of Galeries Lafayette

Particularly affected by the health crisis, and the drop in tourism in the capital, the Galeries Lafayette group has decided to “reinvent” itself, by setting up a space entirely dedicated to care in its main store. Goal ? “Becoming the essential destination for well-being in the capital”.

This summer, a space of 3,000 m2 will see the light of day, on the lower ground floor of Galeries Lafayette Haussmann. There, this place – “suitable for both women and men” – will be half devoted to the sale of beauty and well-being products and the other half devoted to services. Among them, the possibility of booking a massage, getting a manicure-pedicure, testing alternative medicine or taking part in sports lessons, available à la carte or by subscription.

Treatments, beauty products and sports

If the group has not yet communicated on the more than 250 brands that will be represented in this space, it already promises “exclusivity” but also partners present “for the first time in France”. In addition, “sportswear collections”, “pointed beauty product lines” as well as “a “healthy” catering offer” will also be offered. Either the largest commercial showcase dedicated to care in France, or even in Europe, according to investors.

For Galeries Lafayette, it is a question of responding to the “growing” demand of customers, for whom the search for well-being now occupies an important place. A “high potential market”, which has “doubled in size” in the world in the past 4 years, according to a study by the Global Wellness Industry cited by the group. But above all to revive an activity seriously affected by these two years of health crisis, when sales were halved between 2019 and 2021.

“We are convinced that the physical store has more than ever its place in the service of its customers, as long as it knows how to adapt to their expectations and offer an essential supplement of soul to the experience it will give them. “, thus communicated Alexandre Liot, the general manager of Galeries Lafayette Haussmann, who said he was impatient to “discover this exceptional setting this summer”.

And to ensure that “after the two years of unprecedented health crisis that we have just collectively gone through, this unique space in Paris will allow us to give our customers an unprecedented and above all global experience to take care of them”. French customers of course, but also foreigners, who will be invited to spend several hours on site, to take advantage of these new services and… (to) spend.

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