Paris immersed in a fog of pollution

According to the air quality monitoring body in the Île-de-France region Airparif, the levels of fine particles PM2.5 in the air are higher than usual, this Tuesday in Ile-de-France. -France.

Airparif predicted it. Paris and part of the Ile-de-France region are, this Tuesday, January 25, faced with an episode of air pollution. Low winds and winter temperatures favored the accumulation of pollutants emitted by local sources, in particular wood heating and road traffic. “The air quality will be degraded to poor in the northern half of Ile-de-France, and average in the rest of the region”, warned the regional air quality monitoring body. Ile-de-France.

According to the data recorded, the level of PM2.5 (fine particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 µg -microns-) is between 35 µg/m³ and 45 µg/m³. That of PM10 (diameter less than 10µm) is between 50 µg/m³ and 65 µg/m³. High levels compared to the average. However, they remain below the alert threshold. No differentiated circulation or special measures, therefore.

However, the ARS (Regional Health Agency) advises vulnerable or sensitive people to limit their movements, to avoid areas with heavy road traffic, during peak periods, and not to practice outdoor sports. “Particle concentrations are likely to increase and could exceed the information threshold for PM10 on Tuesday,” Airparif warned.

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