Paris: the obligation to wear a mask outdoors suspended by justice

Lhe administrative court of Paris suspended, Thursday January 13, the prefectural decree which makes it compulsory to wear a mask outdoors in Paris since December 31, learned Agence France-Presse from the jurisdiction. This decision comes the day after that of the administrative court of Versailles which had suspended a similar decree, a first on national territory, considering that the measure carried “an excessive, disproportionate and inappropriate attack (…) on individual freedom “.

The decision concerning this decree of the capital’s police headquarters, put in place to deal with the emergence of the Omicron variant, will be published on Friday, added the Paris administrative court. Requested by Agence France-Presse, the police headquarters reserved its response to receipt of the decision.

“As it was neither necessary nor strictly proportionate, the administrative court wished to suspend the decree”, for its part commented to Agence France-Presse Mand Jean-Baptiste Soufron, who pleaded for the suspension of this decree.

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