Participate in “A scarf for life 2021”: This is how it works!

Scarf for life 2021
Would you also like a “scarf for life”? That’s how it’s done!

© PR Lana Grossa

Knitted yourself or bought ready-made: the “scarf for life” is a statement – against wars and the suffering of children.

2.14 million euros have already been raised – with your help!

“I can only endorse a fashion accessory, a scarf that does good!” For this reason, fashion designer Guido Maria Kretschmer supported our campaign together with many celebrities last year. More than 460,000 euros came together – a new record! It is now a whopping 2.14 million euros in total.

And you can see it: The action scarves are more and more present in the streets in winter. A kind of identification mark of the growing community; and sometimes you can also see two women wearing scarfs smiling at each other in the subway. This is how it should be again this year – no later than the day of action, December 10th.

The children are still dependent on us

Because the children are still dependent on support, their situation has worsened. On the one hand there is the lack of any prospect of return, on the other hand there is the dire economic situation in Lebanon, where an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees live. Corona also insulated them; Finding jobs is almost hopeless, and the pandemic has robbed the children of the last few opportunities to go to school or simply to have contacts beyond their own family.

Scarf for Life 2021 – the FAQ

Where do the donations go?
A donation of 10 euros from each scarf goes to the work of Save the Children. In 2020, children and mothers in northern Syria, who live in camps there under the most difficult conditions, benefited. The money was used to finance five learning and play rooms, 1200 children were provided with school materials and camp residents were trained as teachers. Mobile health stations also looked after 8,400 small children, mothers and pregnant women, and screened babies to protect them from malnutrition.

How are the refugees currently doing?
Social workers say that this year was one of the toughest for the children. Early marriages due to social hardship, child labor, but also the emotional distress of the children increased rapidly, and hunger is rampant in the camps of those displaced within Syria. More than half of Syrian children now know nothing more than war.

How does the price for the scarf come about?
The scarf is made of 100 percent merino wool, which has its price, as is the handcrafted scarf. The wool is also GOTS certified. The Global Organic Textile Standard stands for strict ecological and social criteria along the entire production chain. The wool manufacturer Lana Grossa supports the “Scarf for Life” campaign by assuming all sales, packaging and shipping costs. BRIGITTE fashion editors designed the scarf in their favorite colors.

What happens on the day of action?
You decide. December 10th is Human Rights Day. Then wear the scarf for everything you do, on the way to work, out shopping. Just like our prominent supporters, take a photo of yourself with the scarf, share it with the hashtags #schalfuersleben or #hope wear on all social media channels.
More information at or scarf-fuers-life. You can also donate directly there. And follow BRIGITTE and Save the Children Germany on Instagram and Facebook for more information.

Scarf for Life 2021: You want one too "Scarf for life"?  That's how it's done!

© PR Lana Grossa

So you can take part

The wool package with instructions costs 45 euros, of which 10 euros are donated to Save the Children. You can buy it in one of 500 Lana Grossa wool shops (addresses and information at, at Laura’s wool shop (, at Wollywood ( or wool in the yard (

Order the finished scarf for 85 euros (incl. 10 euros donation) from Wollywood ( or wool in the yard (

The production of the scarf is a little more time-consuming this year: The knitting pattern includes tassels on the ends of the scarf, which must first be created and then sewn. These additional work steps increase the working time of the knitters who make the scarves by hand and explain the slight increase in the price of the finished scarf by six euros.

You can also donate your desired contribution directly, any amount helps. All information about it on

Save the Children
Social Economy Bank
IBAN: DE 9210 0205 0000 0329 2912
Keyword: scarf for life

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