Party games: The best party games for the New Year

Party games
The best party games for the New Year

A game of "Who am I?"

© Dmytro Zinkevych /

Big parties are taboo this year. The best way to pass the time on New Year's Eve is with a funny game.

A firecracker spectacle and socializing with a large group of friends are not possible in the Corona year 2020. Nevertheless, you can have fun on New Year's Eve and, for example, organize a game evening with your family or shared apartment, in short with people from your own household. There are some classics for this – and you don't even have to spend money.

A city with "G"

Of course there are titles like "Tabu", "Activity", "Trivial Pursuit", "Uno", "Twister" or the like that are perfect for New Year's Eve. However, there are alternatives that can be tinkered with by yourself with simple means or for which you no longer need a piece of paper and pen.

An absolute classic to pass the time is "City, Country, River". You don't have to limit yourself to the usual categories such as "City", "Name", "Animal" or "Profession". Why not do the whole thing with "video game titles", "famous people", "sweets" or the like? The imagination knows no limits.

A fun guessing game is also very easy to make. Cards can be printed out and the appropriate material for questions and answers can be found on countless pages on the Internet. For example, it is possible to create a quiz for film and series lovers. All kinds of unusual facts about blockbusters and actors can be found on the trivia pages of the well-known Internet Movie Database (IMDb).

A pen and a few sticky notes are enough to say "Who am I?" to play. Players usually pick out celebrities or characters from films and the like and stick the note to another participant's forehead without them seeing what it says. With "yes" / "no" questions each person must then guess who they are. If you answer "yes", you can ask another question; if you answer "no", it is the turn of the next player. In order to avoid problems, the questioner should know the person with a high degree of probability and the group should also be able to answer relevant questions about the personality noted on the piece of paper. Whoever guesses his personality first, wins. Questions can be, for example: Am I a woman? Am i a real person Am I over 30 years old? Am i an actor? Etc.

Mandatory! No, truth …

Another classic is "Truth or Dare". The player whose turn it is must choose either "Duty" or "Truth". Then another player asks him either a question that he has to answer truthfully or a task that he has to master. But watch out: depending on the participants, you should not ask questions that are too private, so that the mood is not clouded.

All you need for "Charade" is a container, piece of paper and a pen. Then terms are noted on the pieces of paper. The collapsed pieces of paper are placed in a hat or bowl and the participants are divided into teams. A player randomly draws a term and then has to explain it in pantomime. The other players on his team have to guess. As an alternative, there is also a "Monday painter". Instead of explaining the terms with the body, they have to be drawn here.

"I have never …" is actually a drinking game, but the whole thing can be fun and lighten up the mood even without alcohol. A teammate begins and makes a true statement. For example, "I've never sung in the shower before." Any other player who has already done this must then take a sip of their drink. If none of the players sang in the shower, the questioner has to drink. Similar to "Truth or Dare", it all depends on the group what kind of questions can be asked. Instead of drinking alcohol, a separate point system is also conceivable.
