Passenger wanted – Bregenzerwald starts new “take-along” project

A new project is starting in the Bregenzerwald that aims to make car journeys more economical: This will make it easier for drivers and passengers to find each other.

Riding with someone or taking others with you: What used to be common practice has faded into the background in recent decades. A vehicle occupied by several people reduces costs and environmental impact. The Bregenzerwald region now wants to promote ride-sharing again, and the “vlow” app developed by a Dornbirn company makes coordination and billing easier. “After registering, you can easily share trips and travel together,” explain vlow founders Patrick Schedler and Stefan Türtscher. The app is specially optimized for everyday routes. In total, a passenger pays 15 cents per kilometer, and an additional brokerage fee of a maximum of 15 percent is charged. The vlow account is topped up via ATM/debit or credit card before the trip. Drivers receive the travel expenses contribution credited to their vlow account.
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