“Patients go to five, six, seven pharmacies…”: these drugs that cannot be found and yet are irreplaceable


Pharmacists are calling a strike this Thursday to denounce, among other things, the shortages of medicines which hamper their daily lives and worry patients. Although, in certain cases, one medication can replace another, this solution is not always applicable.

Many pharmacies will remain closed this Thursday. Pharmacists are calling a strike to protest against the online sale of medicines, to demand a financial increase and to denounce the shortages which complicate their daily work. Last year, 4,925 medicines were reported in supply shortage.

Today, it is anti-diabetics, certain antibiotics and medications for heart rhythm disorders that are most lacking in pharmacies. To facilitate patient care, pharmacists can, with the doctor’s agreement, dispense another molecule.

No risk for the patient

But, for certain pathologies, it is not possible to replace one medication with another. Enough to cause some concern for the patient and additional work for the pharmacist, explains Philippe Besset, president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France. “There are patients who go to five, six, seven pharmacies before finding the right medication. Sometimes, we cannot change it and so we go around, with the patient, to all the colleagues to try to find one. And we spend hours trying to resolve this problem.”

However, assures Philippe Besset, the patient does not incur any risk. Either the patient can wait a few more days before receiving their treatment, because they have a stock at home, or they are sent to the hospital where the medicine will this time be available. And despite this pharmacists’ strike, it will still be possible to obtain your medicines, because pharmacies have been requisitioned.

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