Patriot air defense system: Should Switzerland wait longer for Ukraine’s benefit? -News


German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius suggests Switzerland hold back on purchasing the Patriot air defense system – in favor of Ukraine. Federal President Viola Amherd confirms that discussions are ongoing. There are concerns from Parliament.

Ukraine is reeling under Russian fire and is urgently asking other countries to supply it with more air defense systems – specifically the ground-based Patriot system. Switzerland ordered this system from the USA for two billion francs.


The radar of the Patriot air defense system from the American manufacturer “Raytheon” in a photo taken on August 21, 2019 in Menzingen (ZG).


Helping Ukraine out directly is out of the question due to its neutrality. But Germany is asking Switzerland for indirect help: Switzerland should leave the planned delivery to the Germans and thus be supplied later. Germany, which is helping Ukraine with Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, could fill its gaps more quickly.

I can say that I am in discussions with Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.

Swiss Federal President Viola Amherd said on the sidelines of her visit to the German Chancellor: “The government in Switzerland has not yet dealt with this question. That’s why I can’t anticipate a decision. I can say that I am in discussions with Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.

Frowns in the Federal Councils

The request is raising eyebrows among Swiss security politicians. “I don’t believe in this idea at all,” says Uri FDP Councilor of States Josef Dittli, for whom indirect help for Ukraine would generally not be taboo, to SRF News.

We need the Patriot systems ourselves.

“We have almost nothing against missiles for medium and longer range air defense. We need the Patriot systems themselves. All the more so as these will not be delivered before 2028.” This is also underlined by Zurich SVP National Councilor Mauro Tuena. For him, neutrality policy considerations also play against it.

I see problems on the time axis.

SP security expert Priska Seiler-Graf generally has great sympathy for the idea. Supporting Ukraine in defense also helps Switzerland’s security. “Ukraine urgently needs to strengthen its air defense,” says the Zurich National Councilor to SRF News. “I think it’s right that Switzerland shows solidarity, especially with regard to the peace conference. But I see problems on the time axis.”

Will the Patriots still be of any use?

Like Dittli, she alludes to the fact that Patriot delivery to Switzerland is planned between 2026 and 2028. The question is how much such a late delivery could benefit Germany – and indirectly, especially Ukraine. One more aspect that the Federal Council will have to weigh up when making its decision. It is still unclear when this will fall.

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