Paylib: how does the mobile payment solution work? : Current Woman Le MAG

Who has never forgotten their wallet when doing their shopping? Once in front of the cash register, we realize his thoughtlessness and we are forced to turn around to get his precious one. Thanks to advances in technology, it is now possible to pay for purchases in seconds, upon simple presentation of sound smartphone if the latter has the Paylib payment solution. Explanations.

Crédit Agricole, Banque Postale, Crédit Mutuel, Caisse d’Épargne, Boursorama, LCL… banks on Paylib

Unveiled to the general public in 2013, Paylib is a payment solution launched by three French banks: Société Générale, Banque Postale and BNP Paribas. Together, the banking establishments sought to diversify their payment service with a free and remote solution. Since then, many other banks have joined the project, such as Boursorama, Crédit Agricole, Hello Bank!, Crédit Mutuel Arkea, Banque Populaire, Caisse d’Epargne, Crédit Mutuel, CIC and Fortuneo.

How to pay on the Paylib application?

If for three years, Paylib mainly aimed to compete with the American giant PayPal in the secure online payment sector, the real innovation of the solution lies in the possibility of paying for purchases by telephone in store. Thanks to the applications of partner banks, Paylib is as easy to activate as to use. All you have to do is go to your banking institution’s account, whether on smartphone, tablet or computer. Then, the option is activated by following a few steps, which vary depending on your bank. Once your account is validated, choose a security code or save your digital print. When making your next payment, all you have to do is present your phone to a compatible bank terminal and then authorize contactless payment.

Please note, however, that to make a contactless payment, the merchant with whom you wish to pay for the purchase must be equipped with the NFC (Near Field Communication) functionality, or CCP in French (Communication en Champs Proche). Furthermore, contactless in-store payment is not not available on iPhone, which favors Apple Pay as a mobile payment. Another point to emphasize, Paylib does not fix no limits for in-store payments. Only your credit card limit is taken into account, although some banks can choose a maximum amount themselves.

How to make and receive a transfer between friends on Paylib?

In order to take advantage of Paylib among friends, the payment service between individuals, you do not need to have the RIB of your beneficiary, only his phone number is enough. To do this, you must go to your bank payment application, then select Paylib among friends. Then, enter the amount of the sum to send and finally the telephone number of the beneficiary. Once you have validated everything, your loved one will receive the money in their bank account within 1 to 2 days, if they also have Paylib. He will also be notified by SMS. Another scenario, if the beneficiary does not have Paylib, he will receive an SMS with a link. By clicking on the latter, he will be redirected to the Paylib website in order to enter his IBAN to validate the money transfer, which he will receive in his bank account within 3 days maximum.

As for the maximum amount you can send, it is defined by each of the banks which offer Paylib. In most cases, this limit is set at 500 euros per shipment.

How to cancel a Paylib transfer between friends?

If you have made a transfer to an individual on Paylib and you wish to cancel, you can’t go back. And for good reason, once the shipment has been validated, you can no longer cancel it. This is why the service recommends being vigilant and check carefully all information before validation. Furthermore, rather than manually entering your beneficiary’s mobile number, prefer to select their contact from your directory.

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