Peng Shuai comments on the assault – “I never said anyone had sexually abused me”


The Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai denies a sexual assault by a top Chinese politician. It was all just a misunderstanding, said the sportswoman.

The Chinese tennis player now denies that she ever said or wrote that she was sexually abused.

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  • The disappearance of Peng Shuai caused an international stir.

  • In early November, the tennis player voiced allegations against a top Chinese politician whom she accused of sexual assault.

  • On Sunday she commented for the first time – and categorically denied her statement.

Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai denied in what was probably her first interview with foreign media on Sunday that she had made allegations of sexual assault by a high-ranking Chinese politician.

In an interview with a journalist from the Chinese-language portal “Lianhe Zaobao” from Singapore, Peng said: “I would like to emphasize one very important point: I have never said or written that there has been a sexual assault against me. I have to emphasize this clearly. ». The 35-year-old athlete spoke of “a misunderstanding”. Your post from the beginning of November in the social network “Weibo” had been misinterpreted.

This video by Peng Shuai is said to have been made on Saturday in Shanghai. In it, the tennis player seems to be talking to the Chinese basketball icon Yao Ming.

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“Why should people follow me?”

The latest statement contradicts her November 2 social media post in which Peng accused former Vice Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli of forcing her to have sex. The post was removed less than 30 minutes after it was published. As a result, Peng became the focus of a worldwide media storm because she disappeared from the public for more than two weeks.

The women’s professional tennis organization WTA suspected that the former number one in the double world rankings was being put under pressure and could no longer move freely. That was not the case, said Peng Shuai now. “Why should people follow me?” She asked with a smile. She last lived at her home in Beijing without being monitored.

Further to her critical post, the sportswoman said that it was “a private matter”. She said this in a letter to WTA boss Steve Simon a few weeks ago. After receiving this letter, Simon stated that he did not believe that Peng had written the text himself. On Sunday, the 35-year-old confirmed to the Singaporean portal that she had edited the Chinese version of the email to Simon herself. But she said that the version published by the Chinese broadcaster CGTN was a translation because her knowledge of English was insufficient. “It was more or less the same,” added Peng.

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Peng Shuai can be seen in the photo with basketball icon Yao Ming.


Peng, the double winner at Wimbledon and the French Open, had not been seen in public for more than two weeks after making allegations of rape against senior communist party official Zhang Gaoli on the Weibo online service in early November.

Peng, the double winner at Wimbledon and the French Open, had not been seen in public for more than two weeks after making allegations of rape against senior communist party official Zhang Gaoli on the Weibo online service in early November.


Peng's disappearance caused a stir internationally.

Peng’s disappearance caused a stir internationally.


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