Pension reform in the Assembly: Olivier Véran castigates “the stupid and nasty obstruction of the Nupes”

Ophelie Artaud
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11:14 a.m., February 05, 2023

While the text on the pension reform arrives this Monday at the National Assembly, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne announced this Sunday that she was ready to make concessions, in particular by reaching out to the Republican deputies. As the LRs wanted, the government would indeed be ready to extend “the long career device to those who started working between the ages of 20 and 21”, which will allow them to “retire at 63” on retirement, against 64 years as provided for in the initial text, announced the Prime Minister in the JDD. A concession that could allow the executive to obtain a majority of votes in the Assembly to vote for the reform, and avoid using article 49-3 again.

“That’s not parliamentary action”

While the various parliamentary groups have tabled their proposed amendments, other “improvements” to the text would still be possible, according to Olivier Véran, the government spokesman. Guest of the Grand Rendez-vous d’Europe 1 / CNews / Les Echos, he again affirmed that the government was “open” and “listening” during the debates which open in the Assembly. “The only thing we fear is that the deputies and the French will be deprived of a quality debate in the National Assembly because of the stupid and wicked obstruction of the Nupes”, he added. .

More than 20,500 amendments were tabled by the opposition, mainly by Nupes. “When you file 18,000 amendments to a text of law, it’s like when you throw tomato soup on a board, it’s useless and it ridicules those who do it”, reacted Olivier Véran. “That’s not parliamentary action. When you cling to your role as parliamentarians, you table useful, essential amendments, which you defend thoroughly without giving up. 18,000 amendments will prevent you from going examine several essential articles of this text”, he added to the microphone of the Grand Rendez-vous.

“With 18,000 amendments from the Nupes, it would take at least 6 months of debate in the hemicycle”

In detail, within Nupes, La France Insoumise tabled 12,998 amendments, Europe-Écologie-Les Verts 2,363, the Socialist Party 1,430 and the Communist Party 1,170. As for the other opposition parties, the LRs filed 1,250, and the National Rally 200.

“With 18,000 amendments from the Nupes, it would take at least 6 months of debate in the hemicycle”, says the government spokesperson. “It would take months and months of reading, if only to understand the text, so imagine to vote for it. It’s not up to a mandate”, he hammered into the microphone of the Big Meeting.

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