Pensions: Emmanuel Macron will propose to the unions “to exchange” after the decision of the Constitutional Council

Europe 1 with AFP
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7:27 p.m., April 12, 2023

President Emmanuel Macron, currently traveling to Amsterdam in the Netherlands, said on Wednesday that he would propose to the unions an “exchange which will make it possible to initiate the follow-up and to take into account the decisions, whatever they may be, of the Council Constitutional” expected on Friday about the pension reform.

Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday that he would propose to the social partners an “exchange which will make it possible to initiate the follow-up and to take into account the decisions, whatever they are, of the Constitutional Council” expected on Friday about the pension reform. “The country must continue to move forward,” continued the head of state at a press conference in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. “I will hire for everything that concerns them, the social partners to be able to return – I know that the period will still bear the traces of the disagreements of the moment – but I will do it with the spirit of harmony and the will to engage the continuation , whatever the decision” of the Elders, he continued.

For the time being, all the spotlights remain on the discreet institution on rue de Montpensier in Paris, which must end the suspense on Friday “at the end of the day”, the day after a twelfth day of mobilization. Will she censor the reform? Only a part? And will it give the green light to the procedure of a referendum of shared initiative (RIP), dear to the left?

Macron again targeted this Wednesday

On Wednesday, the second day of his state visit to the Netherlands, Emmanuel Macron was again the target of opponents of the reform, while two demonstrators were arrested on his arrival at the University of Amsterdam. Supporters and opponents of the text mostly expect that at least some measures will be censured by the Constitutional Council. This is particularly the case of the seniors index, a new mandatory indicator to update the practices of large companies in terms of employment of employees over 55 years of age. According to many observers, it could be qualified as a legislative “jumper”, that is to say a measure having nothing to do with a budgetary text.

The rejection of measures of this type would be a lesser evil for the executive, for whom the essential thing is that the heart of the project be legally validated: the raising of the legal retirement age from 62 to 64, which crystallizes and federates the dispute.

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