Pensions: in a letter, left-wing elected officials demand that Macron “give up” a “disastrous project”

These deputies and senators are also asking the Head of State for a meeting with a “perspective for a way out of the crisis”.

A march from the National Assembly to the Élysée with, in hand, a message to convey. This Tuesday, April 4, La France insoumise and the Communist Party intend to organize a procession and demand, once again, the withdrawal of the pension reform. This, by delivering a letter to the director of cabinet of Emmanuel Macron, according to our colleagues from BFMTV who were able to consult it.

Your refusal to listen to the people fuels their anger and creates an unprecedented social, political and democratic crisiswrite deputies and senators from the ranks of the left. The parliamentarians deplore the absence of a “serene, dignified and fair debate» and evoke a «confiscationdiscussions in Parliament. “[Nous] ask you, once again and solemnly, to give up your disastrous project by withdrawing it“, they continue.

These elected officials defend the referendum on pensions, the only way for the French to “express themselves at the end of a democratic debate which they demand“. “This is the meaning of our bill, filed on the basis of Article 11 of the Constitution, aimed at affirming that the legal retirement age cannot be set beyond 62 years.” In “prospects for emerging from the crisis“, left-wing deputies and senators finally ask Emmanuel Macron for a meeting.

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